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Box of ex-gf's stuff...is it right to still keep it?

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Hey guys,


I have a box of things ive collected over the years of broadway ticket stubs, old cards, notes, pics etc from my ex gf. However, im now dating and completely in love with my new gf of 8 months. For some reason I feel like i dont want to get rid of it as we did date for over 4 yrs and was my first love. Is it inconsiderate to my new gf if I keep these things or is it ok to hold on to it. I dont think i've even looked through it in a long time but for some reason i dont want to throw it out....

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Keep it as long as you need to. If your relationship becomes really serious with the new gf, you'll know when you are ready to trash that old stuff. Your new gf probably has keepsakes from her past relationships too.


These serve to remind us what we want, what we are looking for, what felt good or what we enjoyed, and also to remind of us what we do NOT want and what hurt and what we want to avoid.

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It's fine to keep it. I still have old stuff, and so does my fiance, and we couldn't be any more committed to each other! It's part of your life. Just tuck it away somewhere, where your gf won't stumble upon it, because that CAN be hurtful ( I speakfrom experience).

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I think the best thing to do would be sellotaping the box and putting it somewhere out of reach....like on a cupboard.

If possible don't open it while you are with your current girlfriend.

While there is nothing wrong with keeping the box, opening it and going through its contents while you are in a relationship might be perceived as disrespectful by some(myself included).

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I guess its fine for me to keep it then. Actually it is taped shut because i didnt want anyone going through it while i was at college, but now its on the top shelf of my closet.


Thx for the replies...



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