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Break the ice

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How can you "break the ice" with a guy that you keep bumping across in the lift?


He's a very high-profiled person but always mysterious. I don't want to come looking aggressive or desperate. He always tried to walk besides me but never try to talk to me. But we both know each others name.


Or should I wait for him to chase me? What if he don't at all? I have never tried to approach guys before. My past experiences were all guys who initiated the first contact.

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Yeah 'hi' seems like the obvious one but it doesn't invite much of a response, especially if the person is shy...


'how's your day going?' or 'how are you today?'


easy says me, the girl who could NEVER approach a man :(

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easy says me, the girl who could NEVER approach a man :(



We don't bite, just saying



I would be very happy to have a woman approach me and would be very nice regardless of anything else

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