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This just sickens me!

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ok the girl that was supposed to be my best friend, i had feelings for her but put them aside for the friendship, she was the only one who ever treated me nice, and acutally, she was amazing, but there was this one guy that she had a crush on, and he treats her badly, and he doesent like her, and she is madly in love with him, she is stuck with him, and she knows that he doesent like her but she still is madly in love with him, i mean it sickens even looking at her posting about him, she got angry and now is barely talking to me cuz when he made fun of her, i told him to shut up, and after that im just SICK of seeing her that way! F*CK!

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Honestly, when you have a friend like that, you cannot change their minds in whatever they do especially when they are convinced that's the right thing. You better just stay out of her way when she isn't getting along with whoever the guys is because you will resent the guy and she will be happy with him all over again.


Save yourself some time and breath. Obviously she isn't tired of seeing herself without him and his behaviour.

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