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Question for the ladies out there.


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I'm not a lady but I just hate to see posts go without responses more than six hours.


Though I consider myself only average looking and have always been very slightly overweight, not slim, I have been asked out by lots of women. I have taken them out on dates and they have urged me to call them.


But I don't play it like most guys. I treat ladies very kind and am very respectful but in the past I didn't phone them often and was extremely coy. I treated them like anyone else so they had to wonder whether or not I was interested. Sometimes, I would even ignore them for the most part, intentionally of course, knowing this would drive them wild. Beautiful women are not used to being ignored. I found this to be an excellent survival mechanism in the dating scene for a guy like myself. I figured if I wasn't GQ magazine material, I would have to attract them some other way.


If a guy plays it right, almost any girl will burn with desire to go out with him...and will do whatever dance or speech is necessary to get there. But most guys slobber all over the ones they want to go out with really badly, leaving the ladies absolutely no motivation or desire to get to know them better.


So, from a man's perspective, I can tell with all certainty that if a lady, even a shy one, wants to go out with a guy, she will find some way or some excuse for letting that be known to him very clearly, including getting right to the point.


I really hope some ladies jump in here today and answer this question because I would really love to know more from a woman's perspective.

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i have never had the nerve to ask a guy out! so many times i wanted to but because of shyness and fear of rejection, i never could bring myself to do it. i know how you guys feel now that i thought about it.

I'm not a lady but I just hate to see posts go without responses more than six hours. Though I consider myself only average looking and have always been very slightly overweight, not slim, I have been asked out by lots of women. I have taken them out on dates and they have urged me to call them. But I don't play it like most guys. I treat ladies very kind and am very respectful but in the past I didn't phone them often and was extremely coy. I treated them like anyone else so they had to wonder whether or not I was interested. Sometimes, I would even ignore them for the most part, intentionally of course, knowing this would drive them wild. Beautiful women are not used to being ignored. I found this to be an excellent survival mechanism in the dating scene for a guy like myself. I figured if I wasn't GQ magazine material, I would have to attract them some other way. If a guy plays it right, almost any girl will burn with desire to go out with him...and will do whatever dance or speech is necessary to get there. But most guys slobber all over the ones they want to go out with really badly, leaving the ladies absolutely no motivation or desire to get to know them better. So, from a man's perspective, I can tell with all certainty that if a lady, even a shy one, wants to go out with a guy, she will find some way or some excuse for letting that be known to him very clearly, including getting right to the point. I really hope some ladies jump in here today and answer this question because I would really love to know more from a woman's perspective.


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That depends on what you mean by asking out. Before I got engaged, I was usually always teh one who approached a man and I would never give out my number, I just took numbers and picked which ones I wanted to call. I am Liberated Woman, hear me roar!!!!

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I'm not a lady but I just hate to see posts go without responses more than six hours. Though I consider myself only average looking and have always been very slightly overweight, not slim, I have been asked out by lots of women. I have taken them out on dates and they have urged me to call them. But I don't play it like most guys. I treat ladies very kind and am very respectful but in the past I didn't phone them often and was extremely coy. I treated them like anyone else so they had to wonder whether or not I was interested. Sometimes, I would even ignore them for the most part, intentionally of course, knowing this would drive them wild. Beautiful women are not used to being ignored. I found this to be an excellent survival mechanism in the dating scene for a guy like myself. I figured if I wasn't GQ magazine material, I would have to attract them some other way. If a guy plays it right, almost any girl will burn with desire to go out with him...and will do whatever dance or speech is necessary to get there. But most guys slobber all over the ones they want to go out with really badly, leaving the ladies absolutely no motivation or desire to get to know them better. So, from a man's perspective, I can tell with all certainty that if a lady, even a shy one, wants to go out with a guy, she will find some way or some excuse for letting that be known to him very clearly, including getting right to the point. I really hope some ladies jump in here today and answer this question because I would really love to know more from a woman's perspective.

I would agree with you tony, I get to anxious when a women takes interest in me they seem like easy prey so when i do what i think i'm suppose to do like call them right away or get a little to kind with them to soon they sence Niceguyitus and they are repelled. Remember the challange thing that women want so give it to them though it is hard be patient or you will blow it like i've done maney times before.


So i guess we should play a little hard to get and maybe not act real interested,not prioritize her interest at first. Im convinced that once you date one women you'll be able to date 10 when it rains it pours. Women can sence it when a guy is not real available whether she knows the girl(s)the guy is dating is irrelivant they just seem to be more intriqued by men who are taken"there's the challange thing again" The key here is to get the momentum going.

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I have never asked a guy out but I have invited them over to dinner (only after I have gotten to know them).


But I just want to discuss the gamesmanship that someone posting on this site commmented on a while back. The difficulty with always waiting for the other person to make the first move is: You can have two people who would be great together, but each is holding back because of fear of rejection or fear of looking too eager. People can reach a stalemate this way, while the more aggressive person, who understands that he or she may be rejected, but takes the chance anyway, at least has a chance of having some fun, even if it doesn't turn out to be "the one."

That depends on what you mean by asking out. Before I got engaged, I was usually always teh one who approached a man and I would never give out my number, I just took numbers and picked which ones I wanted to call. I am Liberated Woman, hear me roar!!!!
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I have and him and I have been together for 3 years and are planning on getting married.



Just out of curiousity: How many of you ever asked a guy out? I would assume it's a small percent but I've been wrong before. :)
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