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Heightism on twitter

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Because short guys are somewhat undesirable, for some.


But why the hate and anger just because youre not attracted to them?

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Cracker Jack

Dude, get over the f****ng height crap. It's overdone. You're short. Be a man and stop crying about it. I for one don't give a damn if some woman's not attracted to me because I'm not "tall enough" for her. I don't know why some of you guys continously search for crap on the internet regarding short men. I's like you want to make yourself feel miserable. Seriously.

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But why the hate and anger just because youre not attracted to them?


Honestly, I don't know.


Dude, get over the f****ng height crap. It's overdone. You're short. Be a man and stop crying about it. I for one don't give a damn if some woman's not attracted to me because I'm not "tall enough" for her. I don't know why some of you guys continously search for crap on the internet regarding short men. I's like you want to make yourself feel miserable. Seriously.


It's not easy to get over it. I developed a short term resistance which has got me in a cycle.

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Cracker Jack

No one said it's easy. The point is there's no reason to search for BS online that'll only make you more and more insecure. It's counterproductive and makes no sense.

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Dude, get over the f****ng height crap. It's overdone. You're short. Be a man and stop crying about it. I for one don't give a damn if some woman's not attracted to me because I'm not "tall enough" for her. I don't know why some of you guys continously search for crap on the internet regarding short men. I's like you want to make yourself feel miserable. Seriously.

To be fair, what I saw on that vid & the twitter was over the top.

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Dude, get over the f****ng height crap. It's overdone. You're short. Be a man and stop crying about it. I for one don't give a damn if some woman's not attracted to me because I'm not "tall enough" for her. I don't know why some of you guys continously search for crap on the internet regarding short men. I's like you want to make yourself feel miserable. Seriously.


How tall are you?

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Cracker Jack
To be fair, what I saw on that vid & the twitter was over the top.


True, but why even go out of your way to look for it? Don't you agree that an already insecure short guy is going to feel even worse upon viewing something like that? That's usually what PJ's doing, and I really don't understand why. This is what I did in the past: constantly Google search short men, come across some random blog, and stupidly read the 100+ comments which made me feel like total crap about myself.


Besides, most of those girls were ducks, anyway. I understand that many women won't be attracted, but to question a man's existence in this world because he's short? Whether they're pretty or ugly, they can eat a dick:cool:


MrCastle: I'm 5'8"

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To be fair, what I saw on that vid & the twitter was over the top.


Tbh, if my gf posted something like that or held those over the top opinions [just plain bigotry in that vid], she would get a swift kick in the ass and out of my life.

And i'm a bit under 6''.

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This is why you never put women on pedestals as some superior beings morally..a lot of em are quite nasty people problem is men have a lot to do with the entitled princess syndrome a lot of women have who arent even all that attractive by inflating their egos all the time..

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No one said it's easy. The point is there's no reason to search for BS online that'll only make you more and more insecure. It's counterproductive and makes no sense.


Actually, I tried to ignore it, but after 3 years of rejection, I looked into it, and well, it's made me miserable.

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Because the slight mentioning of it will always guarantee a huge debate.


Its twitter they arent looking for a debate just expressing their opinions..

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Its twitter they arent looking for a debate just expressing their opinions..


I don't have a twitter account so I'm not sure how it works there.


If people have the option of responding to someones opinion on there then a topic like that will always spark a debate. Some people just like to argue.

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True, but why even go out of your way to look for it? Don't you agree that an already insecure short guy is going to feel even worse upon viewing something like that? That's usually what PJ's doing, and I really don't understand why. This is what I did in the past: constantly Google search short men, come across some random blog, and stupidly read the 100+ comments which made me feel like total crap about myself.


Besides, most of those girls were ducks, anyway. I understand that many women won't be attracted, but to question a man's existence in this world because he's short? Whether they're pretty or ugly, they can eat a dick:cool:




I'm tall but it still disheartens me really, as I have a short brother - but I think he cares even less than I do, girls don't seem to dislike him at all. It just goes to show that there is a demographic that one needs to reach. He's on twitter a lot, and he would probably make fun of those girls while laughing. It all depends on how one sees themselves. Them little bitchy girls on twitter will always find something to bitch about regarding men, short guys being just one of them.

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Dude, get over the f****ng height crap. It's overdone. You're short. Be a man and stop crying about it. I for one don't give a damn if some woman's not attracted to me because I'm not "tall enough" for her. I don't know why some of you guys continously search for crap on the internet regarding short men. I's like you want to make yourself feel miserable. Seriously.


Seriously. At a certain point, you have to let this go. There are over 3 billion women in the world. Several of them aren't that hung up on your height.

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Cracker Jack

That's my point exactly. You'll always have some people who won't like a certain group of people, whether it's by height, race, etc. That's just life. Personally, I've never had someone treat me differently because of my height. This issue is far more significant online than it is in reality. Insecure short guys need to just learn to live their lives and stop allowing a few ducks online to break their spirit.


I see way too many short dudes who are even shorter than me with sexy ass women. The difference is those guys likely didn't sit around feeling sorry for themselves, searching for depressing videos/blogs/posts online.

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Most of these women saying horrible things are beasts. anyway..


Everyones entitled to their preferences i just dont get the anger for short dudes by these women how vain and evil can you be?


I mean hating someone because they arent tall really :laugh:


Holy **** some people are warped

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My boyfriend is smaller than me, I'm 20 - The Student Room << she's complaining that she's taller than him by 2cm, not even an inch.


I am a very short guy, shorter than one person, and only one person, in the 4 years that I've been active has plucked up and been able to go out with me - and you tell me that there's a [large] demographic that won't care about the guy's height?


The fact of the matter is, most girls will want a guy taller than them. A lot will want access to the 'exclusive'.

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Being tall myself i saw firsthand comments women made about short men voicing their disdain,as someone said its not just a trait they arent attracted to for some reaosn shortness in a male evokes anger in women,who knows why womem are goofy


Thats why i dotn undertsand men who put women on pedestals and act like theyre special human being who should be treated special


A lot of women are quite nasty human beings

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