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What do I do in this situation?

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As I've mentioned about this new guy that I really like,well tommorow we plan on getting together,to go at the movies.


Part of me feels guilty cause I do have a bf and part of me tells me its ok,cause my other boyfriend once asked me if he could take this girl out to dinner.And he does things without asking me if I want to come along so part me,feels like its ok to do things with my new friend.And Im really excited about him.My friend at work told me that he asked her if I had a bf and she told him no.I really dont feel like we have a commitment cause he lives in another town and we hardly get to see each other.


Plus I really like this new guy.I just dont know what to do about this.All I can say to my other bf is that I give him permission to date anyone he wants,that way I can date this new person.Hes just so sweet and he has a cute laugh and he seems like a gentlemen.I find him joining in on me and my friend when we are talking and he always looks at me and gives me that cute smile.He wants to go to the movies with me tommorow.



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Well maybe you should see how things go tomorrow and if they go well maybe you should consider ending things with the other BF. Do you think that this new guy deserves to be played like that? Since you and your friend told him you don't have a BF. Once he finds out he may never want to talk to you again or he may lose respect for you. I say see how the movies go and go from there but it isn't nice to string people along (and lying to the new guy will be exactly that). If you were "friends" only it would be ok but since you clearly like him for more and he seems to like you to, that's not ok to lie to him. :) How would it feel if he tells you he doesn't have a GF but turns out he does after you start dating him and liking him more?

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you know Im in the exact situation as you but Im the other guy she is kind of seeing someone she lives in plymouth and works in hyannis but her car died so she is staying with him (I think she is using him not sure though) but anyways we went out on a date had a great nite she stayed the nite and well you figure it out but she really likes me and i really like her but she says she doesnt want anything serious yet we still get together here and there im just being cautious but i like her ALOT and when i heard about this other guy i was crushed she assured me he wasnt her boyfriend so just remember me I was crushed when I found out I almost hated her but forgave her so DONT hurt him he might not forgive you for it Honesty is the Key to every relationship dont let anyone fool you and say it isnt

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Ok.Well maybe I should just tell him that yes I have a bf,but he is very distant.I really dont feel right hiding it.Now that my friend has already told him no that I dont,I dont know what to do.I dont want to lie either.How am I going to tell him? Should I just say I used to have a bf,now he is very distant and I dont get to see him?I dont want him to think Im using him.Now I dont know what to do.My friend already told him no,now what am I going to say? I had no idea he asked her.Maybe me and him can get this thing cleared up at work.I dont want anything to ruin the movies.i want to go to the movies with him without feeling guilty.



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do you feel like the relationship with your long-distance boyfriend is coming to an end? that might give an answer to your dilemma. If you are in the process of ending the relationship, you can honestly tell the new guy that you're getting out of a relationship, and that your girlfriend considers you single, though you still need to "finish things up." Then let the new guy know that you're interested in dating him.


that said, you really need to resolve your relationship with your long-distance boyfriend before jumping into one with anyone new. And from what you've written, it doesn't sound like it will be as hard as it appears since y'all have run into problems trying to make your relationship work. You owe it to yourself AND both guys to start with a clean slate; on top of that, you're not having to lie to anyone.

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Wow,I didnt think of it that way.Thanks for the helpful advice you all have given me.Im going to just tell the new guy that Im clearing things up first.I just dont want it to ruin the movies tommorow.



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Good tell him the truth/ The truth always prevails and hell be able to trust you and like you if your honest

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