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Proposal Idea?


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Ok maybe some of you can give me some input here.. Here is my situation...


My girlfriend and I have been dating for just about 4 years (actually it will be 4 year on Feb 25th).. I have decided to go to the next step and ask her to marry me. We are planning to go to Orlando in Jan. and I thought that would be a great place to do it. Here's my idea.


My girlfriend loves fireworks and we've never really watched fireworks together, and Disney World has some of the best fireworks I've ever seen. I was thinking of popping the question in the middle of the Magic Kingdom while we are watching the fireworks... Haven't really figured out the exact way to do it so I'm looking for suggestions..



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Call Disney, absolutely. You're not the first, nor the 100th to propose there. They have ideas, arrangements can be made, they will help you. Look around good. I was talking to a guy on a plane recently who told me Disney was totally accomodating of this.

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Although some would think proposing at Disney World was a Goofy idea, I think it's great. She won't suspect a thing.


Paulie is absolutely correct. The Disney people have lots of great ideas. I think there are thousands of creative ways of proposing at Disney, with or without the fireworks going. You can always enjoy those later.


They have all the Disney characters who walk around the park at your disposal and you could create your very own event using the seven dwarfs, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, or whomever.


Paulie once proposed to Snow White there but she turned him down because she couldn't get the time off work. But Daisey game him the high sign if she ever leaves Donald.

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