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Contact as a way to get un-stuck?


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Hi fellow LoveShack users,


Yes, I know what you're going to say - "don't do it". I know the drill, that's why I haven't contacted him in more than a year. But hear me out.


We stopped talking from one day to the next, and because he ended it over chat I never got a chance to properly voice my feelings (not that I'm planning to do it now). However, we work at the same company so I see him around all the time. I feel that seeing him all the time but not speaking to him anymore so abruptly might be (one of the) reason(s) that I'm stuck. And I really am. When I compare myself now to how I was around year ago, I see little to no difference. In all that time I haven't gone an hour without thinking of him, it just won't go away. I'm crying every day.


Mind you, I'm very reluctant to contact him but I feel I've exhausted all other options. Perhaps I can get myself un-stuck this way?

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