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Analyze this for me.....


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Ok, I showed up at the dinner to meet my date, she showed up about 5-10 minutes later. She sat down and we imidately started talking. I had her laughing, etc. Well, I was surprise when she told me some very personaly things right off the bat, then I shared something simular not to make her feel uncomfortable about anything. She may had be fine, I just wanted to be nice. Well, we went to order our food she went and paid for herself and then I got what she was having. We continued to talk, give and take, she asked me question and not just the regular do like this, or that. I asked her the same. I seemed to make her laugh quite a bit as I made a statement, "Wow, I must be funny tonight, thats a change! (humorsly with a funny face) and she had strong eye contact as did I, and seemed interested in me. Her body language was kind of hard to read, I complementer her a few times but not much as to feel like I was reaching for anything. Well, about 2 hours later I said it is probably about to get going before they kick us outta here for all the bad jokes I have made. I made some jokes refuring to her seeing me again or being interested in me. They were in reguards to things I was doing stupid. After we got outside of the resturant, I said I had a good time and she said she did to ans smiled (seemed like she did enjoy her time) then she held out her hand to shake, this cought me off guard but not to were she could see, I shook her had and did something funny with it ans said, "I'm better had hugs." And I have her a hug for a few seconds, she put her hand on my neck. I told her I would call her tomorrow and she said that would be fine. I said we could probably go out to this place, she said yeah, "probably not tomorrow though" I was like, oh no, some other time.( I had stuff going on). I said good bye and left.


The questions she ask me pertained to familly, work, school, religion, I also told her I was a bit clumsy, she laughed cus I bumped into something.

I am interested in her enough to ask her out on a second date but I don't know anything as fare as that yet. She seems to have a schedule of the things she does each day, time, etc. I was just wonding if she was looking for someone and if she had room.


I was myself and I don't regret it, I like to point out sometimes when I make jokes delibrately that if they work or don't and I pretend to write them down or something. Some people see this as funny but I am not affraid to emberress myself a little.


tell me what you think, I don't know, Its hard to get a hold of her cuz of her schedule, only like a hour windo to talk to her each day. All well, if it an't ment to be, then it an't.

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I won't say all is lost, but it is hard to figure out at the moment.


How long have you known her, and how did this date come about in the first place?


Some people do have really tight schedules - if they're working more than one job or juggling work and school, just to provide examples. Good planning on the part of both parties is all that's usually needed, keeping in mind something totally unforseen could happen at the last minute, but if communication is good even that can be worked around.

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