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Why don't women understand male dating issues?

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Caius Ballad

We men look into women's problems all the time. How to make a woman feel safe, giving her emotional attention, understanding the work that goes into putting on makeup.


Yet, women all over the world laugh at men when we say it's hard dating when you're a short guy or thin. Women don't take us seriously when we say MOST women turn us down if we don't have a good job.


I honestly feel like women DON'T care for male existence outside family. They don't care for the high male suicide rates, prostate cancer and many other issues. It's like if an issue isn't about women than women don't care. Girls in general I think are much more cold heart.


Part 2:


I believe men had women in control in the 60s because men knew women are cold, unloving and hypergamous by nature. Modern day woman demands power without having to work for it. They demand equal pay without doing the risky jobs. They shame male sexuality, belittle men who aren't alpha males using betas to pay for child support.


If women ran the world All omega males would be put to death. Beta males would be workers. Alpha males would be used for sex. Male suicide rates would be even higher. There would be a lack of technology and other science advances seeing as those men would lack the drive to do anything.


On top of that women still won't be happy thus you shouldn't bother trying to make them happy.

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Op i know lots of guys and see lots of guys that would never be considered "alpha" neither are they tall and they are happily married or dating. Whatever the problem is with you and the world, it is not the world that is wrong.

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Some women understand some men's dating issues,

some women don't.

some men understand some women's dating issues,

some men don't.


We none of us fully understand yours - and it looks like you don't either, because otherwise you wouldn't keep posting the same, old same-old blinkered .... rubbish.

We have no idea where you're coming from.

And honestly - I really don't think you do either.

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I think we attract certain people into our lives daily. If you aren't attracting nice people into yours, maybe you need to work on yourself.

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We men look into women's problems all the time. How to make a woman feel safe, giving her emotional attention, understanding the work that goes into putting on makeup.


Yet, women all over the world laugh at men when we say it's hard dating when you're a short guy or thin. Women don't take us seriously when we say MOST women turn us down if we don't have a good job.


I honestly feel like women DON'T care for male existence outside family. They don't care for the high male suicide rates, prostate cancer and many other issues. It's like if an issue isn't about women than women don't care. Girls in general I think are much more cold heart.


Some honestly don't care. Unfortunately, they are often the women men generally want in terms of looks...thus why they don't care. I also notice the more "empowered" ones getting this way...claiming how they have careers, take care of themselves, work hard, and the males are just "boys pretending to be men".


It's only the women who also experience actual issues who get some level of sympathy or even empathy that get it. They might have a friend, brother, whoever that is a male, and they watch him deal with the insanity. They feel bad for him, can't understand why women treat him badly, and thus "get it".


Many more know of the good and bad, but they are in RLs and thus decided they can't put the time into making the world just, or simply accepted that life isn't meant to be fair and thus just embrace that they were lucky to find someone.


You can't lump all women into one group. That's too easy, and it's not very fair to judge all women based on the few princesses. It's like when women think all men are jerks based on the actions of a few.



Part 2:


I believe men had women in control in the 60s because men knew women are cold, unloving and hypergamous by nature. Modern day woman demands power without having to work for it. They demand equal pay without doing the risky jobs. They shame male sexuality, belittle men who aren't alpha males using betas to pay for child support.


If women ran the world All omega males would be put to death. Beta males would be workers. Alpha males would be used for sex. Male suicide rates would be even higher. There would be a lack of technology and other science advances seeing as those men would lack the drive to do anything.


On top of that women still won't be happy thus you shouldn't bother trying to make them happy.


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh....ok. I'm not going to touch this one.

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Mme. Chaucer

Many people, women and men alike, aren't busy thinking constantly of people as absolutely defined by their gender. I'm not concerned with male OR female "dating issues." I understand that there are problems that are more connected with one gender or another, but looking at such things in gender blocs is not constructive to anything.

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See, this is why it's so obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

you've got this totally wrong.

Le me correct this for you:


.....They .....belittle men who aren't alpha males using betas to pay for child support.

so far, so good...


If women ran the world All omega males would be put to death.

No, if women ran the world, all omega males would be put to slave labour, silly....


Beta males would be workers.

no, beta males would be used for sex. The resulting male offspring would suffer the same fate. Beta females would be trained to control them.


Alpha males would be used for sex.

no - now, these are the guys who would be put to death. too much competition - a basic threat.


Male suicide rates would be even higher.

you think they'd have the opportunity to commit suicide?

And even if they did, you think they're irreplaceable?


There would be a lack of technology and other science advances seeing as those men would lack the drive to do anything.

No, don't worry - university graduation results show that women are very much in demand in the technological and 'other Science' departments. one of the most famous mathematicians in this country, is female....

you guys would just shift the heavy apparatus, and clean the equipment after we have finished conducting our diabolical experiments, mwah-hah-hah!!


On top of that women still won't be happy thus you shouldn't bother trying to make them happy.


Happy - ?? Forget happy - we'd be ecstatic! We'd be in charge and you, finally, would be where we - put you!!


And no, gentlemen - I am not in the remotest bit serious.

But if he can post the most idiotic rubbish - I can match him....



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2.50 a gallon

Another excuse maker


Where did you get the idea that the 60's were so much better? This is not the first time I have seen this idea tossed into the ring.


Having come of age during the 60's, I can tell you it is total hogwash!


In those days, a woman's choice of a career were very limited. My sister for example had barely a handfull of choices, housewife, mother, secretary, teacher, nurse. She was not encouraged to take science classes, but instead they had homemaking classes. She never had the opportunity to become a doctor, lawyer, fireman, truck driver, pilot, train engineer, etc. All of these careers were only open to men.


I can remember being shocked to find out that there was a woman doctor in town. Who could trust a woman doctor or dentist?


Yes chances are that you would think that you married a virgin. Actually the chances are that she tried it out with somebody else, and you were none the wiser. So the chances are that you too were a virgin when you married, and if not probably only had sex with your future wife.


So how do you know if she is any good between the sheets? You could be stuck with a bum f*ck for the rest of your life.


Also the chances were pretty good that within in two years of tying the knot you would have your first kid. Now what do you do if having the first kid she shuts down sexually? She was trained from birth to be a mother, so she learned how to be sexy until she got her man had her kid and for her she is satisfied with life.


And I saw this happen several times, the guy was stuck living a life in a sexless marriage.


And do you know what happened when a bad boy knocked up the good girl? First she knows the bad boy is not husband and father material, abortions are outlawed, so she looks over the possible candidates and seeing that you have a good job, and are going place, points at you is the father. Maybe you went out one time, or maybe never, but you now find that the state considers you a criminal and they file and prosecute a criminal suit of paternity against you. You have never touched this girl and now you are faced with trying to prove you innocence. They did not have DNA testing in those days, and the only way you could prove your innocense was through a blood test. If your blood type matched the baby's, you now had a choice of going to jail or marrying her and raising her bastard child.

Edited by 2.50 a gallon
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Women always tell a guy that it was the best sex ever, she did orgasm and his penis was the biggest she ever has had...


What more do you want than that ? :laugh:

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My advice to the OP is to be a man. Damn quit whining about issues with women and be proactive and work to handle your issues. Instead of complaining learn to be one of the "alpha" males. Just end the pity party because the attention you get now is minor compared to the rewards you would have if you actually used that energy to handle your issues and get out here and date

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Men understand women's problems because they get that it takes women a while to put on make-up? Really?? How can you even take yourself seriously?

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'Why', about anything, is complex, so I'll offer the following:


OP, I'll suggest trying something, and only for 7 days. Pick a local unlocked nursing facility and spend an hour there each day just observing and talking to people. Watch the women, both the paid staff as well as family members. Listen. Interact. Care. Remember, there are no obligations. You can leave at any time. It's completely voluntary.


What you will encounter is a speck of sand on the beach of humanity. Perhaps it will be different than the speck you are posting about here. Perhaps not. I can assure you that it will be something you won't forget. Who knows, you might make some old and forgotten person's day a little brighter. Maybe yours too.


You have choices. What you do with them defines you. Good luck.

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Women here have been pretty sympathetic to my issues. Associate with women like that and have as little as possible to do with the misandrists.

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Disenchantedly Yours
Men understand women's problems because they get that it takes women a while to put on make-up? Really?? How can you even take yourself seriously?


It was a strange comment, but also kind of immaturely sweet. I don't think he was trying to be offensive.


Callius, I feel for you dude. You got a lot of pain going on inside you. Why is that though?

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