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I feel like I'm in love him him and I don't know where he stands

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My feelings towards this guy have never been clear cut. One day, I tell him I'm falling for him, and the next day I'm okay with never seeing him again. You might think I'm a crazy girl who can't decide but its not me, its really him lol.



We started 'seeing' each other, a couple of months ago. At the time, I was in a relationship that was going downhill. He knew I had a boyfriend, but we kept talking anyway. He would ask me to go on dates like to the movies, and to nice restaurants and I'd say no because of work or somethin. So, a few weeks ago, he asks me if I'm having sex with my boyfriend nowadays, and I say no (I lied....) and hes like "Good, because I don't want to share you with another man" After that I ended up breaking up with this boyfriend... I went over to his barracks (he's in the navy) He had almost no money in the bank, but asked me what I wanted to do next weekend, I said "we can do whatever you want, I'll pay" He's like "No way, so you can go n tell your friends that I'm a loser and I make you pay?" I'm like, "Why would i tell them?" He's like "You might, and they would tell you not to be with me for the future and stuff..."

To this, I said "What future, you're leaving in November.." He's like, "Well, if we are still this happy with each other then, and still want to be together, you can come with me to San Diego and go to college there (We're in VA...) "




Right after that, he says "So you still wana have a threesome?".... (I had mentioned a couple of months after we met, that a threesome would be kind of interesting, this was well before I had developed such serious feelings for this guy) I didn't want to have a threesome, but I decided to play along and said "I don't know, with another girl or guy" He says definitely a girl. I say why not a guy, and he's like it would have to be a guy I know.... and SUGGESTS HIS BEST FRIEND. That seriously broke my heart. How could he be okay with his best friend seeing me naked, and having sex with me?? I'm trying to make excuses for him and say "Maybe he was trying to see my reaction to it or something" But I think he was SERIOUS.



So, He is a 20 year old navy guy, I mean how much maturity can you expect really... but some of the things, he says reallly make me have hope that he does want to be with me and isn't just fooling around

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Doesn't sound sweet to me at all because I know better....men say all that kind of crap just to get you interested and invested, letting the gates (your legs) to spread open all the easier.


This guy obviously doesn't have any respect or concern or values, he hit on you while you were in a relationship? you think that means he cared about you and thought you were worth the hassle? of course not, he saw that you weren't very committed to your relationship anyway by talking to him and just invested in you so that you'd be interested in him...after all what does he have to lose right? he's not the one that has to do anything, like break up with someone he's in a relationship with.


Then he suggests a threesome after it? that means he's not really emotionally invested and has just been working on bringing your walls down...so that him and his friend can bang the crap out of you, giving high fives then walking away trying not to laugh behind your back or keep up the charade until you wisen up...what kind of guy do you think wants to throw you in a threesome right away? It's a guy that doesn't give a crap about you, there's no jealousy or emotion, just a piece of meat.


Plus he's 20 and in the service, you think he wants to just dive into one vagina? doubtful, he's young, wants to f around and you're just one of his choices.


You can be a fool falling for the fantasy, maybe he'd even have you come with him if you were super awesome girl that let his friends bang you in threesomes but he's way too young, immature and inexperienced to know what he's getting himself into...in the end you'll end up screwed over and picking up the pieces emotionally. Hopefully you know better than to learn the hard way, unfortunately most women do not because of their emotions.


So good luck!

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