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! Ex may be coming around


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So here's my original story




Well about 4 weeks ago i had visited and while there asked if we could make amends and she said she wanted to give it more time. Fast forward to last night there has been no contact. First weekend since I start classes and I'm chillin on a couch in someones room at a party. She comes in the door looks at me only even though theres other ppl in the room. She just says hey how are you doing, i smiled and said im good and she dropped her purse off in the room and I left it at that and went to the living room where most of the party was.


I'm feeling really uneasy at this point...so many things going through my head. I've also had a few beers in me. I just try socializing with all my other friends there but can't help but notice that she's constantly staring at me from across the room. Her best friend/roommate came over to give me a hug and say hi so idk if that means anything. Whenever I would go to a different area of the living room or kitchen she would try and be close to that area, socialize with people close by, etc. I felt like she wanted me to talk to her but I didn't want to make an ass out of myself because I was drunk and she used to hate talkin to me while drunk. I also do not want to put myself in a vulnerable position but at the same time I am still deeply in love with her. I feel like after last night she may think I am not interested because I didn't go up and talk to her but it was because she has been asking for time and space and I don't want to pressure her or anything because I was earlier and it made the situation worse. We are still not friends on facebook and there still has been no texts or messages exchanged in about a month. I'm thinking giving it another week of no contact to see if she reaches out. If not I may send her a friend request on facebook to show I am still interested. Thoughts?

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from what I've read, its over for her,


your young, move on


you said you were always arguing, thats means it was never meant to be, healthy relationships aren''t like that

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