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were my words a good start???


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hi everyone i dont know how i found this site but its gr8,youll see me very often cuz i really need help in my relationships,see here s the apple.


when i first started TRYING to approach girls i started with my friend,i was going good and talked to a few girls,till one day some girls said i was cute and another girl said it outloud to make her shy i just smiled and went on,so after a time i told smn to tell her i was waiting in the cafeteria,when i went i saw her surrounded by 15 girls,but still i held myself and went on i asked her if she d like to talk to me but she said no,i was so embarrased and went out,after this i stopped talking to girls thinking of trying or approaching girls,but now i wanna feel love again how do i do it,was that a good start,what do i tell a girl when i see her and smile to her a few times.


i depend on you experts to give me wise and useful answers



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First... when she was surrounded by other girls, how did you ask?


When most people are in the middle of something, and if they're having a good time, they're not going to want to be pulled away from it. I wouldn't give up on talking to girls based on this one event. I think you should try to talk to her again, but when she's not in the middle of something.

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