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my husband cheating on me when I was only 2 weeks having his child

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well here it goes well, my and my husband been married for 2 years but being togetter almost 4 well we were working togetter we are both military well I deployed for a year and he stayed back here only for 2 months by himself and he left after that to go the same place I was anyway we werent togetter out there we were like 15 minutes apart from each other he used to go and see me, well a lot people told me that he was cheating on me,he left with this person and they were and the same platoon, so they were together when they deploy so when I found that out he told me that was a lie, also that girl sleep with all the guys in her platoon so is true because those guys told me that they slept with her she is a h.. so I ask him he swear that he didn't well I let than one go well I didn't have proof and then when we got back from that place I got pregnant I wasn't trying it just happen, but I love my baby, well when I was pregnant he was really distant with me he didn't want to touch me nothing at all he told me it was the pregnancy, so during my last couple of months being pregnant we got a new girl working with us actually he was working with her because I was in pregnancy leave, so rumors again he told me it wasn't true, so he took this girl to my house when I gave birth to see my baby, I didn't knew nothing he told me they were just friends but they used to talk in the phone a lot even text message at really late hours at night she is married, one day I was really upset with him because dealing with the baby you know I guess baby blues, so he left one friday night to go get a tatoo, and he didn't came back until the next day, I try to call his cell phone but no answer so I got his clothes and put bleach on it and told him when he finally appear to get out my house, but he told me that he got so drunk he couln'd drive so he stayed in a parking lot sleeping.


Me again gave him another chance because I didn't knew nothing about it, so he talk to me he didn't do nothing wrong but our relationship was not that great a t that time, so I talk to him and told him I was thinking in separation, well we were going to move to another state so that was our chance to move away from each other, so when I left to go to see my mother and then go back to my other job in texas he stayed behind dealing with the closing up the apartment all that good stuff, when I got back from see my mom and the texas airport he was waiting for me I told him that I was going to look for a partment myself but again he talk to me and we got back together.

Now here in texas I got a statement with a motel bill on it from the same day he stayed out all night long and I call the hotel and he sign in that night at 8 o clock so I confront him and he lied to me again and I told him that I have proof he finally told me that yes he cheated on me only that time it was just one night stand, the worst thing is I was only like 2 weeks having his child and he did this to me .


I check his email and he have saved some messages from her around May thats when everything happen she was answering one email from him it looks like he want to talk to her more the worst thing is that girl was messing with his best friend and he has feelings for her, well she told him and that email that stop talking about his best friend all the time that was in the past well it looks like he still want something with her. He told me that he cut that stuff a long time ago but really I don't know what to do know because he has change since we move down here he loves his son I know that, but the thing is now he is working only with guys, so Im scared if I give him another chance he is going to cheat on me again when he go some where away from me, he even told me he want to see a counselor he is wiling to do anything to keep me with him.


Can somebody help me and tell me if should I give him another chance, sometimes I really do, but is just think about he didn't care about me having his kid and he doing that to me, well his best friend told me that's no the first time he cheat on me, my husband doesn't know that his best friend told me, I check his email again and he try to send a message to this girl on monday the 12 the day we fight, I even told him he answer me that she is just a friend now well please somebody tell me what to do should stayed or leave with my child.



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i think it is time to leave too many lies and mistrusts he cant respect you then there is no reason to stay break away while you can before you have more kids it will be hard but it is worth it to be your own woman and not stay with him love is not enough to keep a marriage together u also need trust and loyalty

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