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Trust Broken With Close Friend

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TRUST ME !!!!!!!!!


Emmm hi guys .. yea

i have a friend that i find really attractive not jst physically but mentally as well.. shes rly nice .. and ive been rly close to her this year only but i knew her 4 yrs ago. we've talked abt how we like each other but since we're christians ... we'll have to wait to see if we're both the right one ... shes my closes friend now ... and yea we've agree to stay just friends but we both know that we deperately need each other but we're still young at the moment ..

SO ..... b4 i knew tat i liked her .. i used to flirt with other girls ... givin them nice commments ... thrugh txt msgs ... but im over that stage now where i say to myself "what was i thinking " ...and YESTERDAY she found out abt it b4 i can erase my past .. she read my txts..


i told her it was all jst a joke .. becos it rly was .. and it didnt mean anything but she lost her trust in me now.and doesnt know what to think .. she's all black and said tat she felt betrayed but shuld be mad at me cos we're mates and not bf/gf .. i knew tat inside her was a hurt mad and angry person .. but she doesnt want to rlease it ..


guys please help me out here .. im stuck // i dont know what to even do now ... !! help me


take care guys !!

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cmon you didnt do anything wrong,we all give txt messages to girls,just for fun and friendship,she shouldnt even be sad at all,cuz she s not ur gf,shes just a friend,like the rest,tell her that if it made her feel sad then ur sorry,but the txts dont mean anything at all


good luck!!!

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hi guys .. man i got another problem with the girl i like ... she found out that i USED to wank ... however i told her tat i stopped after realizing tat its against christianity and etc .... i duno how she wuld feel now .... i might seem like a dirty piece of $#!t to her ... man wat u guys think

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It sounds like she's really over-reacting. You two didn't even like each other when you did the txt's, so there's nothing wrong with it, and if she thinks badly of you because you masturbated she is too judgemental to waste your time on.

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