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Deadly addiction?


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I've gotten to the point that I know that no matter how much I care for her, it wouldn't be the right idea to try and get with her now. She's the one with all of the problems. Besides, she's made her point. Right now she doesn't want anything to do with me.


Problem is, I still kind of want her. I fight myself not to call or contact her. And I keep thinking of excuses to do so. It feels like I'm an addict clinging on, somewhere in the middle of drug rehab. Why can't I stop this?



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I'm in the exact same boat as you. My ex broke it off with me about 3 months ago and there still isn't a day I don't think about her. What you have to realize is that it takes time to heal and realize that contacting will not bring her back, just push her even farther away. Just stop contacting her it will not help. If she wants you back she knows how to get a hold of you. Your just going to have to suck it up, it is tough, but it is what is best for you right now.



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billy the kid

It is sort of an addiction thing... so you have to battle this with your mind... most craving only last a couple of minutes... go out and buy a clothes pin.. then occupy your time with something else than thinking about her.. It'll be hard but you can do it.... now when your mind wonders for those couple of minutes put the clothes pin on your ear. soon you will either become addicted to the pain on your ear or you will stop thinking about her so often... hey it works for smokers, nail biters and other small habits..

I've gotten to the point that I know that no matter how much I care for her, it wouldn't be the right idea to try and get with her now. She's the one with all of the problems. Besides, she's made her point. Right now she doesn't want anything to do with me. Problem is, I still kind of want her. I fight myself not to call or contact her. And I keep thinking of excuses to do so. It feels like I'm an addict clinging on, somewhere in the middle of drug rehab. Why can't I stop this? kalik
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you say you know its an addiction. you also say you know you shouldn't get back with her. there is nothing more anyone else can tell you short of physically restraining you from calling her. but then you'd still think about her right!!?? you need to GET OVER IT!!


she might have been perfect, she might have been the most awesome woman in the world. now she is not with you. obsessing about her will only make you miserable so do it at your your own peril.

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