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Consolidated Discussion - A man's/woman's height in the search for relationships

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You may now bring on the hate...:o


I'm not going to send any hate your way. You have your preferences, just like men do; if they aren't willing to date outside of theirs, why should you?

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But you would date a shorter guy who appealed to you, correct? The height thing is just an initial weeding-out criteria right? Just like the short guys also have preferences that could be labeled superficial, I'd think.


Hi Johan...No I would not simply b/c height is a physical factor that appeals to me so if you don't have it...you don't appeal to me at all. Your Nobel peace prize, six pack abs & cure for ebola just won't make a difference.

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Hi Johan...No I would not simply b/c height is a physical factor that appeals to me so if you don't have it...you don't appeal to me at all. Your Nobel peace prize, six pack abs & cure for ebola just won't make a difference.


Id respect it...I guess I just cant really understand it...


I could see a woman that was 5'10" wanting a 6' plus guy...That makes sense..But when you hear the stories of average or below average women actively seeking tall beanpole guys...well...Its hard to see the logic..Some say its because they have unresolved daddy issues, I wont go there, I dont know about that..And I have also heard women state that taller guys are more well endowed.. I think the mythbusters debunked that...:laugh:


I can see the logic of a woman wanting a muscular guy, I can see the logic of women wanting a confident/smart/intelligent/successful/sophisticated/rugged guy..etc..These things are logical and make sense..Just like I see the sense in a guy desiring a strong and confident woman with a great body, nice hair, a pleasant personality, etc..


These things kinda make sense and you can easily apply logic to it..The only way I can think of thats equal is a guy that just flat out dismisses a woman based on the small sixe of her breasts..That would equally make no sense.....to me anyway..


So, at the end of the day, I ask ...Would a woman prefer a guy that is tall, but dumb, unsuccessful/undriven..(or even not better looking) than a shorter guy, or is it a "all else being equal" type of thing?



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OKAY, I'm one of those OLD b***ches who cares about the height thing. In the past 3 days I've gotten messages from guys who ranged from 5'8 to 5'6 (the messages actually appeared in order from the 5'8 down to the 5'6 lol).


I still don't have the ovaries to just delete w/out saying "thanks for the compliment", since they all sent me one...but Mother of Toast!, my height preference is IN MY PROFILE!


I sent them replies saying thanks blah blah, we are looking for different things. If I put in "don't bother messaging me if you are not 5'10 or over, then my profile is negative & I will get even fewer messages than I get now.


I know it's stereotyping shorter men, but really, your confidence level must make up for your physical stature. That's a good trait, but I just can't make the emotional/physical leap to attraction for you all.


You may now bring on the hate...:o


Ignoring the " makeup for your physical stature" part which was rather rude and classless and doesn't say much for your character you have every right to your preferences especially since most women feel the same as you


Why tall men have this spell on most women and short men repulse most of u I don't have the answer but it is what it is

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...No I would not simply b/c height is a physical factor that appeals to me so if you don't have it...you don't appeal to me at all. Your Nobel peace prize, six pack abs & cure for ebola just won't make a difference.


ha! Nothing wrong with that. Heavens knows I saw plenty of men's profiles that said they do not want to date heavy women, but I guess because it's too politically incorrect to say that, they'd say "fit," "height/weight proportional" or other things along those lines. On one hand it's admirable when someone wants to be polite, but on the other hand, in OLD especially, I think people should be very honest and cut to the chase. My profiles had specifics and details right at the top to intentionally hone in on what I was looking for, though mostly for outlook and background. In terms of physical traits, I'm not attracted to very slim men, no matter their height. Have always preferred the classic football linesman's physique to a basketball forward's or cross country runner's physique. Height isn't a factor for me, but bulkiness is. The sad thing was how many big men I went out with talked about how they had to lose weight even when I'd say they didn't "have to" for me. Plenty were almost obsessed with weight, not height.

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tall, short, fat, thin, we're all different.......and thus unique!!!!.....


So true! I've always thought it was great that different people have different looks and different tastes in looks.

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Working in your favor?




While I cant speak for him, I can answer for myself...beiing pretty short HAS worked in my favor...


How, you ask??


Well...I have never had any problems attracting women...ever...Sure. maybe if I was the same person, but 6'5" instead of 5'6",it would even be better, but thats like saying Christmas is better than your Birthday..


As I have gotten older40's), most of the taller guys I know have had serious medial conditions due to their height....Knee replacements, hip replacements, back problems, etc..Me? Nothing...good as ever,,,If you dont believe me, go ask a qualified orthopedist..


The type of physical activities I enjoy and the type of build I have heavily favor a shorter guy...I can mop the floor with most anyone over 6' tall, pound for pound..


Even though I am a business owner, a lot of what I do on a daily basis is physical...If I was taller than I am now, it would be FAR harder to do what I do well..Its doable, but not to the same level..



I could go on, but being shorter for me is a blessing..But I cant speak for all.. Some will continuw to see it as a curse..



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OKAY, I'm one of those OLD b***ches who cares about the height thing. In the past 3 days I've gotten messages from guys who ranged from 5'8 to 5'6 (the messages actually appeared in order from the 5'8 down to the 5'6 lol).


I still don't have the ovaries to just delete w/out saying "thanks for the compliment", since they all sent me one...but Mother of Toast!, my height preference is IN MY PROFILE!


I sent them replies saying thanks blah blah, we are looking for different things. If I put in "don't bother messaging me if you are not 5'10 or over, then my profile is negative & I will get even fewer messages than I get now.


I know it's stereotyping shorter men, but really, your confidence level must make up for your physical stature. That's a good trait, but I just can't make the emotional/physical leap to attraction for you all.


You may now bring on the hate...:o



I am a 5'6" guy and I have no problem with this.


Attraction is important. That someone is a great person is wonderful, but if you aren't attracted to them, it's not going to work. I have physical standards that I know weed out some awesome people, but what can I say--physical attraction is important.


Meanwhile don't take what several of the guys on here say too seriously. They are holding on to a "victim mentality" where they blame their dating struggles on their height (and other factors they can't control). It's a pathetic way for a fully grown male to go through life, but it is what it is.


Thanks for being honest!

Edited by Imajerk17
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Ah, the hottest topic on the internet.


Why tall women/short men are considered unattractive to the opposite sex?


There is no definitive answer is there?


For what its worth i only date people i find attractive, just like everybody else i imagine.

The reason as to why someone might find me unattractive doesn't change the fact that they do not.

Why is irrelevant when attraction is the question.

Edited by pat-potts
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Tall women aren't considered unattractive...


They're hot...long sexy legs...


Personally, height doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't mind dating a girl signficantly taller than me.

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ha! Nothing wrong with that. Heavens knows I saw plenty of men's profiles that said they do not want to date heavy women, but I guess because it's too politically incorrect to say that, they'd say "fit," "height/weight proportional" or other things along those lines.


The thing is, being overweight is a lifestyle choice. Baring some rare medical condition, both men and women can lose weight and be fit if they wanted to. That also means that people are overweight because of things they are doing or not doing.


So not only do I find overweight women unattractive because of their appearance, they are also unattractive to me because they are choosing to stay overweight.


As for short men, they are being excluded because of something they have absolutely no control over. A short guy didn't choose to be short, nothing he did determined how tall he would become, and there is nothing he can do to get taller.

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The thing is, being overweight is a lifestyle choice. Baring some rare medical condition, both men and women can lose weight and be fit if they wanted to. That also means that people are overweight because of things they are doing or not doing.


So not only do I find overweight women unattractive because of their appearance, they are also unattractive to me because they are choosing to stay overweight.


As for short men, they are being excluded because of something they have absolutely no control over. A short guy didn't choose to be short, nothing he did determined how tall he would become, and there is nothing he can do to get taller.


I didn't choose to be tall, nor did I choose to be attracted to men who are taller than me. How are you going to argue with the laws of attraction?


So tough titties! Go for girls who want you and stop whining and crying about the ones who don't.

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So, at the end of the day, I ask ...Would a woman prefer a guy that is tall, but dumb, unsuccessful/undriven..(or even not better looking) than a shorter guy, or is it a "all else being equal" type of thing?




Why the assumption that the tall guy is dumb? That would be like me calling a younger woman a bimbo (only a lot of them aren't).

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The thing is, being overweight is a lifestyle choice. Baring some rare medical condition, both men and women can lose weight and be fit if they wanted to. That also means that people are overweight because of things they are doing or not doing.


So not only do I find overweight women unattractive because of their appearance, they are also unattractive to me because they are choosing to stay overweight.


Medical conditions like that aren't that rare - conditions that affect the stomach. visit agutsygal.com, and see in a previous post, her picture of her stomach. She was healthy and strong in other respects, but she looked pregnant, and wasn't. I can't afford the supplements needed, at times, and don't like some of the foods I would have to eat - there is no overcoming the aversion.


You are also choosing to stay stuck in ways. That's what frustrates some people, as far as I can tell. You don't take their advice - you just ignore them. So apply your own mindset to an overweight woman, and maybe then you can empathize a little bit?


As for short men, they are being excluded because of something they have absolutely no control over. A short guy didn't choose to be short, nothing he did determined how tall he would become, and there is nothing he can do to get taller.


Women have no control over the aging process, so there goes your excuses for excluding them.

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I didn't choose to be tall,

Being a tall woman isn't a detriment.


nor did I choose to be attracted to men who are taller than me. How are you going to argue with the laws of attraction?


But you can still choose to date shorter men.


I didn't choose to be attracted to women with ridiculously large breasts, but I have absolutely no problem dating a woman who is modestly sized.


While I've heard women say over an over that they refuse to date a short guy. Heck, just look at D.Mc.'s posts in this thread.


So tough titties! Go for girls who want you and stop whining and crying about the ones who don't.


Hah! If only it was that easy. Girls have never advertised wanting me and there is no way to tell which girls would date me and which ones won't without getting to know them and asking them out.

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And many women really do care if a guy is short. My gut says that around 60% of women don't want to date a short guy.


Are you sure that's not just OLD? Not saying everyone on OLD is unreasonable but some people's preferences on there are just a bit much.


Can I have an inch? You certainly don't need it. How 'bout three inches? :laugh:


Haha I'd give them away gladly lol, the towering-over-people thing is getting a little old for me.


You are one of minority.


Are you sure I am? Maybe I'm a minority on OLD, but I really don't think that's how people are IRL. People talk about OLD as if every single person wants a 6'0 guy. IRL that is nowhere near true. Almost all my female friends are very short (5'0 - 5'2). NONE of them wanted tall guys! I think only one is dating a tall guy because he was just too good to pass up, but the rest of them all preferred short guys because they don't like being towered over. I'm a tall woman and I don't care a fig about height. My bf has dated other tall women who also didn't care about height. There are plenty of people who don't care, maybe they don't represent some OLD statistic but I think most people on OLD live in fantasyland so lets not talk about them.


You should start a campaign promoting the dating of short guys. That would be so awesome.


Yeah? Maybe I should. Short guys are awesome!


Many women have posted here how they don't want to date short guys. One woman even made a thread about the best way to ask guys on Tinder how tall they are.


Tinder, my friend, is not representative of real life. Neither is Loveshack.


Sadly, I'm not brilliant or gorgeous. I'm trying to various ways to make myself attractive, but success has obviously been limited.


The only thing that's sad here is your attitude. How do you know you're not brilliant or gorgeous? Some girl out there thinks you are.


My height is a primary reason why I have dating problems. Another one is being introverted, yet another is having low confidence. It's the combination of those characteristics that makes dating so difficult. If I was just short, but was outgoing and cocky I wouldn't have any trouble with dating. I also feel that if I was taller, 5'10, even with being an introvert, I still would be fine.


Introverted?? Introverted?? How is that even a problem! Almost everyone in grad school in my faculty is introverted, and most of them are married or in LTRs. Funnily enough, all the extroverts I know are still single. I'm an introvert and I've never liked dating extroverts. There are other introverts who think like me. Being introverted isn't at all a problem!


Low confidence, that's true. It is important. I personally think THAT is the thing that's hurting your dating chances. Not the other stuff like height and being introverted.


Imagine your boyfriend dumping you right now, and you being unable to get another boyfriend or even a date for the next ten years no matter how hard you try. Then tell me if I'm putting too much importance in dating and having it define me.


Well, I do know what it feels like, actually. Hence why I was hoping you'd hear me out. My boyfriend is my first. My friends have all started dating at ~15 or 16, a few people I know are getting married now, and I'm just barely starting my first relationship because I just couldn't find anyone who I liked. Yes, maybe that's completely different than your situation, I'm not in my 30s, and I was the one who dumped the guys (they were players, they were cheating on their gfs, they were flaky, you name it, that's all I could find). So I kind of got to the point in May that good guys just weren't around, maybe they didn't want me and I gave up. Focused on my hobbies, read books, studied. And then met the most wonderful, amazing man I possibly could, when I wasn't out there looking for him.


Putting importance in dating is something I get. Everyone around me is in relationships and in love and I'm wondering here why I can only meet losers and why I'm still single and what in God's name is wrong with me?! But I realized that only you control your happiness. If you allow something that you cannot control to suck all the happiness out of you, what kind of sad life is that?


Id respect it...I guess I just cant really understand it...


Yeah you're not the only one lol.


And I have also heard women state that taller guys are more well endowed..


LOL thanks for the laugh! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Edited by CrystalCastles
Screwed up [/QUOTE] my bad.
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Being a tall woman isn't a detriment.




But you can still choose to date shorter men.


I didn't choose to be attracted to women with ridiculously large breasts, but I have absolutely no problem dating a woman who is modestly sized.


While I've heard women say over an over that they refuse to date a short guy. Heck, just look at D.Mc.'s posts in this thread.




Hah! If only it was that easy. Girls have never advertised wanting me and there is no way to tell which girls would date me and which ones won't without getting to know them and asking them out.


Oh gee, you have no problem dating a woman who doesn't meet the physical standards you prefer? Hey..I like chicks with big tits but I'll settle for you..I'm sure they're flattered by that! No one's asking you to settle, that's your choice. That doesn't mean that anyone else should.


I choose to date men I'm attracted to. I've never been physically attracted to a guy who was shorter than me. Would you really want a girl to go on a pity date with you, or would you rather she went out with you because she wants to? No, I wouldn't give a guy I wasn't attracted to a chance, because I don't want to hurt him later on.


Being a tall woman can absolutely be a detriment. It can make you feel less feminine. You think it's fun to tower over people? I'm not super tall, 5'9 (though there are still times when I'm the tallest person in the room and I feel awkward about it), but I have a friend who is 6'2. You think she's happy about that? You think it's easy for her to get dates? You don't know how other people feel or what their struggles are so stop trying to pretend you do. You're not a victim.


By the way TFOY, I can personally state that not every tall guy is well endowed. The guy I lost my virginity to was like one of those tiny pencils you get when you play mini-golf, and he was 6'2. Yikes.

Edited by KaliLove
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The thing is, being overweight is a lifestyle choice. Baring some rare medical condition, both men and women can lose weight and be fit if they wanted to. That also means that people are overweight because of things they are doing or not doing.


So not only do I find overweight women unattractive because of their appearance, they are also unattractive to me because they are choosing to stay overweight.


As for short men, they are being excluded because of something they have absolutely no control over. A short guy didn't choose to be short, nothing he did determined how tall he would become, and there is nothing he can do to get taller.


SomeDude, Do you see what you're doing here? You are saying you're rejecting them for their lifestyle choice or attitude, while you refuse to believe others might be rejecting you for your lifestyle choice and attitude.


If you want to spend 1-2 hours a day working out, that's fine, but some people don't want to. If you're inclined to put on weight that might be what it takes to become or stay slim.


So if you're choosing by lifestyle choice, approach the women at your gym! That's where you're most likely to find people into fitness, weight management and staying slim. Another thing to try is cycling and triathlon groups. We're both in fair-weather states and there are lots of groups like that. The people are lean and fit. And lots- men and women- are shorter than average.

Edited by BlueIris
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I was watching the new neighbors. The guy is pretty tall. They needed to work on their swamp cooler on the roof. He could only work up the courage to step up the ladder high enough to just peek up onto the roof. Not one more step. So she had to climb the ladder and get up and do the repairs herself, while he ran for tools. I half expected him to come out in an apron with flour on his hands, and for her to belch and ask him to get her a beer.


In my mind there are more important things in life than a few inches in height. If you're short and a woman respects you, you will look like a giant to her. If you're tall and she doesn't, you'll look like a mouse.

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I was watching the new neighbors. The guy is pretty tall. They needed to work on their swamp cooler on the roof. He could only work up the courage to step up the ladder high enough to just peek up onto the roof. Not one more step. So she had to climb the ladder and get up and do the repairs herself, while he ran for tools. I half expected him to come out in an apron with flour on his hands, and for her to belch and ask him to get her a beer.





OMG, that's YOU, Johan?



Come on over in an hour and a half, the lasagna (his specialty) will be done, and he'll just be taking the Bundt cake out of the oven. I should be done replacing my brake rotors and still have time to shower.



Bring a welcome neighbor gift.

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I was watching the new neighbors. The guy is pretty tall. They needed to work on their swamp cooler on the roof. He could only work up the courage to step up the ladder high enough to just peek up onto the roof. Not one more step. So she had to climb the ladder and get up and do the repairs herself, while he ran for tools. I half expected him to come out in an apron with flour on his hands, and for her to belch and ask him to get her a beer.


In my mind there are more important things in life than a few inches in height. If you're short and a woman respects you, you will look like a giant to her. If you're tall and she doesn't, you'll look like a mouse.


I wouldn't even climb one step on a ladder. I'd hire help for that.

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Medical conditions like that aren't that rare - conditions that affect the stomach. visit agutsygal.com, and see in a previous post, her picture of her stomach. She was healthy and strong in other respects, but she looked pregnant, and wasn't. I can't afford the supplements needed, at times, and don't like some of the foods I would have to eat - there is no overcoming the aversion.


Sorry, I don't believe that the medical conditions that prevent losing weight and looking slim are all that common at all.


Women have no control over the aging process, so there goes your excuses for excluding them.


You always mention women's age in your posts to me.


So OK Anela, please tell me how I am excluding women based on age. What should I be doing?

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Sorry, I don't believe that the medical conditions that prevent losing weight and looking slim are all that common at all.


Gut Healing Post Have Left Their Harbor -


She isn't overweight, but look at the stomach she had.


There are other conditions that make it difficult for someone to lose weight, let alone have the energy to exercise. I was exercising, and not seeing much difference at all.




You always mention women's age in your posts to me.


So OK Anela, please tell me how I am excluding women based on age. What should I be doing?


Not just excluding - talking about looking for 18-22 year old girls as girlfriends. That crack you made in another thread, about how you thought the suggestions being made were things that interested women who are over 35. For some reason, you think that at almost 33, you should be able to date a woman twelve years younger (or even younger than that), but you make cracks about older women, too. I don't see you going for women twelve years older than you are.


But I was only pointing out that we can't change that we're aging. We might be able to make a choice between eating, or buying skin products that cost hundreds of dollars, and exercise ourselves into the ground, so that we can remain pleasing to the eye until the age of 35, when we magically become bitter, twisted, man-hating hags, apparently (in the eyes of men who hate women). There are plenty of women - plenty of them - who have no issues with dating short men. I wouldn't be here if mum had overlooked a short man. None of his brothers would have married and had children of their own.


I also never excluded a man based on height, but you ignore the women who say that, or wish that more women were like them (women that you're interested in). You also ignore what could be life-changing advice, and I get it - the mindset is hard to get out of, but you could do it, and you still have time to.

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Are you sure that's not just OLD? Not saying everyone on OLD is unreasonable but some people's preferences on there are just a bit much.


OLD is just the more extreme version of it. I've been called too short by women I knew in real life. I also have no idea how many women used my height as one of the reasons to reject me.


Haha I'd give them away gladly lol, the towering-over-people thing is getting a little old for me.


Alright. As soon as science figures out how to do a height transplant we'll do it together. I'll go all the way to Canadia.


Are you sure I am? Maybe I'm a minority on OLD, but I really don't think that's how people are IRL. People talk about OLD as if every single person wants a 6'0 guy. IRL that is nowhere near true. Almost all my female friends are very short (5'0 - 5'2). NONE of them wanted tall guys! I think only one is dating a tall guy because he was just too good to pass up, but the rest of them all preferred short guys because they don't like being towered over. I'm a tall woman and I don't care a fig about height. My bf has dated other tall women who also didn't care about height. There are plenty of people who don't care, maybe they don't represent some OLD statistic but I think most people on OLD live in fantasyland so lets not talk about them.


I've seen many short girls dating guys who tower over them, so it's a thing. Frankly I think it looks ridiculous when the guy is with a girl who seven or more inches shorter than he is. It's almost like he's with his daughter. IMO short girls who prefer very tall guys have some sort of a complex.


Yeah? Maybe I should. Short guys are awesome




The only thing that's sad here is your attitude. How do you know you're not brilliant or gorgeous? Some girl out there thinks you are.


Hmm, so it doesn't matter if I think I'm not brilliant or gorgeous? Only what she thinks of me?


Introverted?? Introverted?? How is that even a problem! Almost everyone in grad school in my faculty is introverted, and most of them are married or in LTRs. Funnily enough, all the extroverts I know are still single. I'm an introvert and I've never liked dating extroverts. There are other introverts who think like me. Being introverted isn't at all a problem!


If a guy is introverted how is he going to get dates? Talking to and asking out women requires a certain level of outgoing. It's not easy going up to a girl I barely know and trying to start a conversation with her. Things are so much easier for the guys who are outgoing.


Low confidence, that's true. It is important. I personally think THAT is the thing that's hurting your dating chances. Not the other stuff like height and being introverted.


No, I don't think it's the only factor that matters.



Well, I do know what it feels like, actually. Hence why I was hoping you'd hear me out. My boyfriend is my first. My friends have all started dating at ~15 or 16, a few people I know are getting married now, and I'm just barely starting my first relationship because I just couldn't find anyone who I liked. Yes, maybe that's completely different than your situation, I'm not in my 30s, and I was the one who dumped the guys (they were players, they were cheating on their gfs, they were flaky, you name it, that's all I could find). So I kind of got to the point.


OK so you know what it felt like to be single and want a relationship from 16 to 21. That's five years. Can you imagine that feeling you had continuing to build and build until you were 31?


No offense but your situation doesn't compare to my own. I was constantly rejected by women from 16 to 31. Then my first girlfriend suddenly dumped me after six months with no warning at all.


You simply can't understand what it feels like to live my life. That I feel women have completely rejected me. Nobody can go through this struggle without becoming damaged.


I just want what everybody else wants. I want to be in a relationship as much as you do Crystal.


Putting importance in dating is something I get. Everyone around me is in relationships and in love and I'm wondering here why I can only meet losers and why I'm still single and what in God's name is wrong with me?! But I realized that only you control your happiness. If you allow something that you cannot control to suck all the happiness out of you, what kind of sad life is that?


OK, so you've got a taste of the feeling. So do you believe that if you had continued to be involuntarily single, would you still be able to control your happiness?

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I've dated short, tall, fat, skinny, older, younger, bald, unattractive, attractive, wealthy, temporarily unemployed, shy, outgoing, outside of my race. I'm tall-ish (5'9 and wear heels everyday to work). My personal experience is that the men I dated who were shorter than I ended up meeting and quickly marrying petite women. I even dated a tall guy who told me my height was "intimidating to men" and I shouldn't wear heels, LOL which was a turn off to me. I'm not THAT tall. Because of my dating experiences, I personally prefer a man over 6' because I don't want to be the bigger one, LOL, even though I'm slim and have smaller bones. However, if I met an amazing man who was attracted to my height, loved long legs, was a couple of inches shorter, and loved me to the moon and back, I wouldn't care about the height and would be very happy.

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