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Consolidated Discussion - A man's/woman's height in the search for relationships

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So? Men are pickier about age, face, body etc. Actually I think men are much pickier about age than women are about height.


In any case, this thread was not about who is pickier about what. I simply asked how much height matters to men. Based on responses so far, I think my original post had a merit. Men seem to prefer slightly taller women but not too tall!


Both sexes have their own list of things that they are pickier about than the other. This should be common sense but to some sadly it isn't. (Not referring to you mes)


Height was NEVER an issue to me when it came to preferences. I had women turn me down because of my height but I never had a problem with it.

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I've never seen short guys struggle with dating. Not unless they're really, really small.


I'm 5'3" and as long as the guy is at least an inch or two taller than I am, I don't really care, and I very rarely see men that are shorter than me or my height anyway. Of course I find men who are 5'10"+ more attractive generally, but I would never go around on dating sites demanding men who are 6'0"+ That would filter out a lot of great guys.

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My idealistic self thinks it will be a combination of winning factors - not just one - that will score you women.


For example if you're 5'5 but are well dressed and know how to be funny and share some interest with the woman you're targeting, it'll be hard for her to find that exact combination in most other men.


I don't know if the above is actually true, just a hypothesis.


Another point of evidence - there's this executive at the company where I work who's shorter than me (and not particularly handsome), but seems to have no problem with women.


He's married, and when we went out drinking a week ago (he invited me because I'm one of his most productive employees) he admitted that he has a mistress in another state.


He talked about a bunch of exciting cool things he did on some of his holiday trips, and he seems very smart and sophisticated.


I think the above things are more important to the women who like him than his height.


Sorry for the late reply, been spending a lot more time with my boyfriend.


For a lot of women in my age range, height is a dealbreaker. Now, I'm younger than him, and women have told me that I'm attractive. I would say that I dress well and I have my own sense of humour. I'm also passionate about what I do and am very results-driven.


How old is the exec? It would appear that the issue is much more prevalent with women in the past few decades or so.


My own resolution was not to focus on women, where there was a greater uncertainty and a significantly greater chance of me being rejected. I know exactly where I am desired, and I've desired to take advantage of that.


Vantage point: I'm 5'2", my SO is 6'0" (according to him).


Here's a graphic of a poll I looked at: http://f.cl.ly/items/0Y1h3e0o2K2R1n2d3q2z/Screen%20Shot%202013-08-17%20at%2019.29.37.png. I bunch the (on the condition that with the no).

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In any case, this thread was not about who is pickier about what. I simply asked how much height matters to men. Based on responses so far, I think my original post had a merit. Men seem to prefer slightly taller women but not too tall!


I don't have a height preference.


I was attracted to a woman who is 5'10" and now I'm severely attracted to a female employee at my job who is like 5'3" and I'm 5'6".


I'm far more concerned with her personality and general physical appearance than I am about her height.

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I was once very attracted to someone 2" shorter than me (we didn't end up dating). But generally speaking, no I wouldn't.

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If you're a girl, would you date a man shorter than you?


If you're a guy, would you date a woman taller than you?


I am 6'3", male. My ex gf was 5'10' or 11". She is the tallest woman I ever dated, and, prior to meeting her my preference would have been no. With heels on she was as tall as me, which did feel odd.


Having dated her, I actually liked her height as it made kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc, a lot easier!


To answer your question, yes I would.

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I'm generally attracted to petite women. I can only think of one woman I've met that was taller than me that I was really attracted to. I also dated one gal in H.S. that was my height give or take maybe a half inch. At just a hair under 6', I'm pretty much exactly average height for a guy but there don't seem to be many women out there that are taller than me. But yeah, I'd date a taller gal if I found her attractive.

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I have read various posts from time to time about shorter men and the hardships they face when dating. I have known several shorter men who had quite attractive girlfriends, and another very short man who has been married twice, both to attractive women. All of these shorter guys were slim and had nice faces. Is it that the shorter guys have to face more rejection to get a girlfriend, or is it a myth that shorter men have a hard time getting dates? I am not a tall woman, and I've gone out with quite a number of shorter men, and I would not reject someone on height? Do shorter men ever make peace with being short, or is it a lifelong concern?

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Southern Cal Dude

A girl who's taller than me is probably in the WNBA, which makes it roughly 50/50 that she's a lesbian.

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Yeah, I would date a woman taller than me.


My biggest issue is whether or not she is attracted to me.

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There are surveys that indicate short men and fat women are likely to earn less in their lifetime than taller men and slimmer women. This is purely because of society's pressures and prejudices, and it shows in real life. So yes, short men do face a lot of challenges, and often forces them to become aggressive and sometimes total asses. But frankly, I really don't see what the big deal is. A short guy can do just as much as a tall guy... It's all about self confidence in the end.

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Yes, I would date a shorter man. I'm 5'10", so I'm a tall woman; perhaps this is why I answer the way I do... a lot of good men are shorter than me!


My dating history has a range: The shortest man I dated was 5'7" and the tallest was 6'3".

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I met a very beautiful athlete once named Jade Johnson - she is probably 6 foot 4 or 5.


Upon this evidence, I would indeed date a woman taller than I am - at 6 foot 3.

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Dating a woman 2" taller than myself. I have dated a couple of women taller.



FAR LESS LIKELY that women will date shorter men.

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I have read various posts from time to time about shorter men and the hardships they face when dating. I have known several shorter men who had quite attractive girlfriends, and another very short man who has been married twice, both to attractive women. All of these shorter guys were slim and had nice faces. Is it that the shorter guys have to face more rejection to get a girlfriend, or is it a myth that shorter men have a hard time getting dates? I am not a tall woman, and I've gone out with quite a number of shorter men, and I would not reject someone on height? Do shorter men ever make peace with being short, or is it a lifelong concern?




To answer your final question; Yes, there are men who make peace with their height. In fact, there are many, like myself, that never viewed it as a handicap except on the basketball court. :) I have never had problems finding dates b/c of my short stature.

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It's not nearly as bad in real life as they make it seem online. The other night I saw a short guy with a really hot girlfriend.

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Clearly world is full of morons. And some morons happen to be female and have access to Twitter and FB.


As a short guy, they're not a loss to me. I wouldn't want to spend a second with anyone that dumb and rude.


I think some short guys want companionship. I mean, dumb and shallow or alone, I'd rather the former.

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