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long distance what am i do him?


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I have been talking at great length to an old love interest.Ihadn't spoken to since we weere kids.We really seemed to hit it off,but distance is a big problem!I have resonsibilities here and other issues,so i've been putting off a meeting wiht this person.I believe this could be fate and I must find out if he's it.At first everything was fine,but the last we spoke-he said some really mean things,but at the end said it would be fun to date-send him a photo.But I'm afraid to that he said some horrible things, that were out of character.He also told me about him being jilted and just dating a lot of people.Fear of intimacy,lieing cheat(said no girlfriend/wife), or could he have a mental disorder like multiple personality disoreder,or is he just playing with me?He has a medical-physical problem that I think may be part of why he can't rememmber stuff.He says he doesn't remember me much from when we were little,but I haven't stopped loving him since!Please HELP.ESPecially Tony.Thanks!

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He said mean things to you and you are really wanting to continue this? Whether the relationship just started or had been going on for a while, there is no good reason for him to be nasty. You didn't say what he said but you did say he said some really mean things. And then he said it would be fun to date and send him a picture...the guy's on drugs!!!


That's all I need to hear to tell you to back off. Yes, a man who says nasty things to a lady he's trying to impress has got a mental disorder, one of the very first ever discovered by Freud and his contemporaries, called dumbitis rectumitis, or dumb ass syndrome.


You have got to have much better things to do with your time. And you believe this could be fate? Yeah, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Ok, date him. Take him skating at the nearest landfill and dump him.

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