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Bradshaw's Books


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Now I'm reading "Healing the Shame that Binds You,"


By John Bradshaw.


This guy's awesome. asically heals your insecurities, co-dependencies, addictions, etc. FROM WITHIN. I realize I'm kind of harping on this, but I read alot of "head books,"


and Bradshaw is one of the best.


Well, alot of the "relationship" situations we see here on the forum are really co-dependency issues, insecurities, etc. I'm not saying all, or even most, just alot of the issues. I find this book very helpful.

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Yes, his books are great. I have recommended them to several posters here. His tapes, particularly the videos, are truly awesome and great for those who don't like to sit and read.


He's been there, done that, and has an incredible grasp on the problems we face from substance addiction, early childhood abuse, to alcoholism (alcoholic parents), etc. Life just doesn't deal a lot of people a good set of cards at the outset and we are left to deal with hurt and paid all of our lives.


Many people are totally unaware that their negative patterns, fears, relationship problems, abandonment issues, insecurities, etc., stem from early childhood issues.


I know a lot more people would be Bradshaw fans if they got his books, tapes and videos. They are very healing.


He had two eight-part series on PBS in the early 90's that were excellent and are still available on video. I suppose you could find them in bookstores, or have them order them, or on the Internet.


So happy you are enjoying Bradshaw.

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You are sounding so much better these days! I hope you're feeling as fine as it sounds.


Any news on the girl you tempted with the tickets?


I'm missing the shack. I started a new job Monday and it will keep me pretty busy. My first management-level position... aaaaaggggh.... help!!!


Anyway, I just wanted to send my best wishes your way.


(And thanks for the smile re. billy the kid & a room)



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