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Hi I have a problem. I met this man 27 years ago when he was just 19 and I was 17 and after loosing contact found each other again 6 months later we met again andended up having a reationship which ended as we lost contact because he had mental health issues. just recently I found him on facebook and after he messaged me back saying he couldnt believe it was me and then left me another message with his mobile number. I texed him and we started chatting, we even spoke a couple of times on the phone. it turned out he has had bi polar for years and said he was separated for 8 years but not devorced. we arranged to meet and he came down to where I live and we went out in the day to a pub garden and had a drink and a catch up. It turnes out he has been in mental hospitals lots but I have also been in one once and have just been diagnosed with soft bi polar. since then we have text every day and he told me I havnt changed a bit but he has but despite that he still has the same old charm and for 27 years there has not been a day when I havnt wondered about if he was alive and how he was. you see he was the first and only man I can say I have ever been in love with. we have met up almost every week and he has told me how he feels and I have told him how I feel but that I would not cheat on my partner. Altho I know my partner has regularly been having cyber sex on a websire and his profile says he is bi curious and he text a girl he knew and declaired love for her but I found out and he ended it. I know he still goes on web cam on adult sites tho altho he says he doesnt anymore. This friend of mine has stopped texting as much now but says he wants to still come and see me most weeks for the day. I asked him what he wants and asked if he wanted a buddy but he didnt know what I meant, when I explained he said no he wanted a hgood friend, he says he wants to have sex with me tho and says he has come to terms with being single due to his bi polar being destructive to his reationships but would like to think in the future there may be a chance for us and we should see what happenes. I have told him I had been in love with him for 27 years and now I feel afool but still like him. why has he stopped texting so much have I scared him off or is it his mental state,He has told me recently his mental state was a bit bad at the moment and he was havingtrouble just leaving his flat then some texts I get are nice then others short and a little abrupt. he is acting strangly and told me he has no internet at home so uses the one in apple store. but as to him texting 50 times a day and now only once ortwice and only after I text him I dont know whats happening, is he lying about things and is he with someone and scared she will read texts, or does he want to end the friendshuip, if so why say he wants to come and see me next week. Help I need sugestions as to what to do and say to him.

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