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:( <<as of now this is me i am the one that posted dear lord help i still have to try to make it from day to day she tells me that he ment nothing to her but i could have never done her that way i have had the chance to but did not cause i love her so i know now ther will never be peace in my life because of what she did but i will get her and him back no matter what it takes i know i cant take my own life and send myself to hell but you can get forgiveness for killing someone

lord i hope it never comes to that but to kill myself i feel that would be great for her so she could go on being a slut i pray to be happy once again i dont know what the problem is i am a good looking guy just so shy i could never find anyone else people pray for me and my kids and even her i know god loves her and forgives her but i dont think i can my poor mon and dad have be together for so many years had 7 kids why cant i find that kind of love they have lived worked cryed together and i pray when they die they go together my life is just so messed up right now and one more thing i am looking for a song i think its called i'd like to go back there just for a day it bluegrass it was a good song and i lost it

makes me think of being home again with mom and dad and being so care free heaven must be like that god bless you all for god has undieing love for us all no matter what :)

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Do not kill anyone. That wouldn't help matters at all. I know you're hurt and confused right now, but killing someone would just make things a WHOLE lot worse. Think about your kids and your parents. Would you want to spend the rest of your life stuck in prison, and not get to spend time with your family, watching your children grow up. And don't kill yourself. Life is much too precious to end it because someone who has proven they aren't who you thought they were. She has shown you that you can't trust her, and if you're certain you can't get what you had back, you need to move on. Forget about getting anyone back. The longer you stay focused on that, the harder it's going to be for you to move on with your life. You will find someone better, someone who will truly love you for you. Just open up a little bit, don't be so shy. You can do it. I will be praying for you and your family.

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