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Trying to move on but don't know how

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I previously posted a message about being in love with my best friend who is also my neighbor and my daughter's godfather. I need additional advice. I can no longer handle our situation. I have gone to counseling and I have tried staying away from him but nothing is working. He is injured so I am constantly attending to him. I just feel so helpless and sick. He is my best friend yet my worst enemy. How do I make my feelings go away? Is the answer moving away? When he was living out of state I was able to deal with things....heck, I even moved on and got married. Now he's back and I have let my feelings consume my entire being. I feel as if I have no control over myself and I hate this. Help!

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Well, you know what worked before. You need to sever contact with him. That's the only way to recover yourself and move on with your life. Believe me, I know how hard that is. But, you won't be happy again until you do it -- however difficult it may be to rearrange your life to make it possible. Don't delay -- start working on this right now.


-- uriel

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