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Why i feel like he is mad at me when he cheated?

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Just 2 days ago when my bf decided to stop the button meaning our relationship is already ended, told him its going to be our last talk and ofcourse all contacts and photos will be deleted, but he said he still want to keep in touch as he said we never know the future may bring. The break reason wasnthat he said he couldnt come here in Philippines at all, he said he couldnt take being lonely being alone and he cant wait at all plus he is struggling financially because of his kids school so he wont be able to visit. I asked him if there is another woman and he said none, but there will be ofcourse in the future and he mentioned that there is a girl talking to him.


Ok, flashback, when he did the pause or space thing, as i know our relationship still ongoing, yes eventually at those times he changed a lot, no initiative for calls, messages, he deleted me on his fb. a day before our break up, i noticed a girl new added to his daugter's fb cause im connected to her and to her grandmother too, then when i checked on the page of grandma, the girl was added there too and i smell something really fishy, i didnt told him about it yet. But the next day after we broke up, i messaged him saying morning, he started being sweet again, then i think he thought its fine to mention the name of the girl, it was a nickname and very close ofcourse to the real name so i mentioned about the girl familiar to me from his daughtes fb, he said the girl is an old friend and already met the girl even before he met me, by the way our relationship took only 3 months, but its really stranged, the girl asked him to date but he declined and he answered he is not ready to date yet, I told him why in the world u have to answer that way when u have me and could have just rejected the girl totally and never ever give her a chance to start with him, but he happened to introduce the girl to kids and now the grandma, because if they are old friends, those times that im in his fb for almost 3 months the girl wasnt there and not even connected to any of his family. I felt like he cheated on me and never ever tried to protect our relationship from the girl so i asked a lot of questions and hoping he would just tel me the truth, he said she likes the girl but they are only friends, ive been throwing him lots of questions he get irritated he said he need to sleep for work, he said we will talk after 3 days. so i just let him. then when i checked my fb, i got message from the girl saying... i guess i only wanted to say for u to stop communicating with him anymore, i wanted to work things out with him, thanks in advance.... right there... i messaged him again saying i received a messaged from the girl and look at it, but he never responded at all so i assumed he is already sleeping tho i feel like he just ignored my message, so i emailed the message of the girl to him, saying i guess i am right about you and the girl, something special in between. I still wanted to fight, i dont know, but i think when u let her to get in between us, you were already decided for you and her. God bless both of you. take care... thats it, i deleted everything about him, then morning his time, he woke up, he messaged on yahoo, saying... you deleted me on skype? i answered yes, he asked why, i said havent u read ur email yet, ur girl messaged me, he just said ok, delete me here in yahoo, i said i did, then he said have a good life, i said same here then he said i wont contact you anymore i said same here, then he replied good with smiley face. thast it. He lied and he cheated.


Yesterday, i checked my other fb and i found out that the girl messaged me there too asking if me and him is still talking the same day when she messaged me saying never contact the guy. I dont know what to think, are they together? or the girl is just chasing him. I wanted to fight but i wish he could have just stopped the girl and tell the girl to leave him and ignore her from the very first time she shows interest but he didnt. The just this morning i received a messaged from him to my other fb to removed myself from her daughters list, i didnt say anything i just did what he want. His messages seemed to show that he is so mad at me.


I do love him, i really do but i feel like i need to give a respect with myself. I want him back but im too far from him and scared that even if we get back, the girl might just be ther still.


I dont exactly know what advise should i ask, im so confused.

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Do you still want to be with him, afterall the things that happened? I wouldn't let anyone decide that but yourself.

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What - a - jerk. When you think you heard it all, there you see, something awful has yet to come.


What a jerk. Really. He's not a man. Let two girls fight, and throw a smile in the chat to someone so in love with you who you've just dumped? Seriously?! WTH. And well, if you want to console yourself a bit, it doesn't seem he ended up in good hands. That girl looks like a control freak. And any real man would not have accepted such behavior as to interfere with personal contacts from someone that's "just a friend".


All in all, you didn't lose anything.

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I honestly do, but i want him to realize first what he did to me, and for him to realize that I need to separate myself first and made no contacts with him tho i know its a chance too for them to build a relationship, I dont feel real bad, sometimes i still feel good about me and him.

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@justwhoiam, I am worried about him about the girl, a friend of mine told me thatbthe girl seemed to be a bitch for stealing my bf knowing he is in a relationship, but I think the person has to blame is my bf for not protecting our relationship, that made me feel sad, and maybe the reason why i feel fine now is because i made the right decision, and i think he is really mad at me, since most of his relationship was dumped by him and this is the first that he was dumped. I think I hit his ego. But I still hope he would still feel the love for me lol.

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pink umbrellas

In my opinion i'd say he's very immature , if you know that the relationship is long distant and seeing each other is not very likely to happen why even go there ? what he should have done was to tell you the truth, he disrespected you in every way possible. You probably didn't loose much and maybe you deserve better, thank god you didn't sleep with the jerk!

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@pink umbrellas, at first everything works fine, not until he find out that he is having a shortage in his financial expense, he has students loan for his 2 kids who are both about to go on college, he said he made phone calls and interviews on what to do, find out how can i get there cause he cant come here, and his options i gues is that, just getting a new girl there close to him, instead of me. He cheated!!!


I dont ****ing care anymore, I do believe in Karma anyway.

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I thin k you did the right thing. If he said he couldn't deal with the distance that is not going to change. It sounds like something is going on with him and that girl and if they aren't..it seems like its only a matter of time before something similar happens.


I think he is mad because you are rejecting him. Guys are really sensitive about being rejected. Their egos get hurt more than anything else sometimes. You don't deserve to be treated like that.


Find yourself a nice guy who will treat you right. This one doesn't seem like he can be trusted.

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