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I've been with the same guy for 9 years. I really love him and I think he loves me. But, he is not always honest with me. He lies about little stuff because he's afraid I'll get mad. This past weekend he left on a Friday and I did hear from him again until Monday. I heard a rumor that someone seen him with another girl. He says it isn't true and told me where he was all weekend. In all of the 9 years, I have never caught him with another girl and honestly I can't believe that he would cheat on me, but I do know he is not honest with me on other things. Does anyone have any advice? Sorry this was so long.

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You need to figure out how much you trust this person. if he's lieing to you about little things now they could become big things later. rumors sometimes get started but get blown out of proportion. who knows their could be some truth to these rumors. my advice is to sit down and have a serious talk with this boy. obviously you love eachother if you have been together for 9years.

I've been with the same guy for 9 years. I really love him and I think he loves me. But, he is not always honest with me. He lies about little stuff because he's afraid I'll get mad. This past weekend he left on a Friday and I did hear from him again until Monday. I heard a rumor that someone seen him with another girl. He says it isn't true and told me where he was all weekend. In all of the 9 years, I have never caught him with another girl and honestly I can't believe that he would cheat on me, but I do know he is not honest with me on other things. Does anyone have any advice? Sorry this was so long.
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New info: I talked to the girl who said she saw my boyfriend with this girl. She said he was in the truck with the girl while his friend (my cousin) and his girlfriend were in the store. My boyfried says this is not true that he was gone to the casino that day. I don't think this girl would lie; she is an old high school friend. I feel like all trust is broken and I just don't know if I can stay with him after this? Very confused and don't know what to do. Help?

I've been with the same guy for 9 years. I really love him and I think he loves me. But, he is not always honest with me. He lies about little stuff because he's afraid I'll get mad. This past weekend he left on a Friday and I did hear from him again until Monday. I heard a rumor that someone seen him with another girl. He says it isn't true and told me where he was all weekend. In all of the 9 years, I have never caught him with another girl and honestly I can't believe that he would cheat on me, but I do know he is not honest with me on other things. Does anyone have any advice? Sorry this was so long.
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