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Im in summer classes right now, and I have my eye on this little cutie; although she's with another man right now, so that's about all I can do..is have my eye on her...

but today in class I bent down to get something out of my bookbag, and I heard her say something like "that's a nice ass you got on you joe" but the class was loud and it was hard to hear...we were on a break.

So I said "what was that?" almost shocked. and of course she replied "nothing"

and proceeded to change the subject.

What to think of this..any input, suggestions etc? thanks

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Thanks! :love:


Oh, sorry, I didn't read the thread---just the title! LOL :laugh:

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If she's with someone else, there is nothing you can do. You can ask if she might be interested in you, but tell her she needs to break up with the other guy first.


She may have been flirting/joking around and realized that she shouldn't have said that since she is with someone.

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Max Overclock

If there's a next time, reflect the idea...say:


"Right back at ya, cutie!" (Say with a big wide smile!)

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Drop something again. Be sure to bend down away from her. Keep your knees straight and arch your back a little bit.


Or just ask her if she thinks you have a nice ass.

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next time when you are in that position and she approaches, look back and say "I gotz anything in my brown eye yo?" and if she says no, say "yeah yeah, tru dat."



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:D thanks for the clever responses guys.

Perhaps a little more info... this isn't the only time she's flirted with me..she's made it pretty clear(at least in my eyes) that she's at least somewhat interested in me. Anyone ever heard of personal proxemics? well lets just say that she's just a lil comfortable being in my space ;)

but im not forgetting the fact that she has a boyfriend...pehaps all this flirting is a sign of her unhappiness in her relationship? to be honest ive never been even considered a situation like this until now, before it was like, well, shes got a man, so she's offlimits.. but if she's unhappy, what's a guy like me to do?

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Let me put it this way:


If she is "unhappy" in her present relationship, and leaves her boyfriend for you, she is not worth it. Additionally, I wouldn't want to get involved with a girl that I KNOW flirts with other men while I am involved with her. Would you? She would most likely end up doing the same things behind your back. Not fun.


I'd recommend focusing on more important things, or meeting some different people.

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Yep thats totally right, im such a dork sometimes, I shouldve realized that..but hey, thats what this place is for...thanks Faux..

Im going to focus on my schooling and be done with it.

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Well, although she has a bf, if she flirts with you, you could begin flirting with her too. I see nothing wrong with it. I say you're in highschool, her bf's her problem.


Maybe I just don't have any scrupules. If it's not you, it'll be someone else.


Just mind the fact that she might be a player... Your shot!

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she might just be stating the obvious ... if you'd like, I'm sure the female population of LS would be more than happy to give you an assessment if you'd like to post a photo of your posterior! :cool:

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I don't completely agree with Faux. She might be worth it. Right or wrong, it's pretty much standard operating procedure for people to begin exploring other possibilities before ending a failing relationship. I think it's easier to break up when you feel confident you have other options. Gutless maybe, but I wouldn't be idealistic about it. It's a warning flag.


I do think it's wrong to put the moves on her while she's committed to someone else. She'll respect you more for keeping your distance, I believe. If you care about her enough to care whether she respects you, that matters.


Another thing: you have no idea what she's really up to. Women act weird when they are going through hard times in a relationship or a breakup. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that after she broke free from her current boyfriend, she also stopped showing any interest in you. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't break up with him at all and she just likes the excitement of flirting.


I guess I'm saying that I wouldn't flirt with her or try to start something, I'd just be cool. But I don't think there is anything wrong with letting her know you'd be interested in her if she wasn't with someone else.

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another little strange tidbit of info...im 21 and she's 26, and we're in college., not highschool, lol

but anyways, to say the least, im just a little confused..today she called me babe, i was thinking that's what you'd call your spouse...haha am I wrong or whats going on here..

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[color=red]MAN - LET HER KNOW YOU LIKE HER TOO !!![/color]


I'm thinkin' she may have the hots for ya. He (the other dude) may not be all that!


If you can deal with the idea of being a rebound and you do think she's worth it, GET IN THERE!!!


How can you go on not knowing how she feels about ya? Keep distance a bit, yes, but, don't snooze or you know what will happen!



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Also too remember... Just because someone flirts with you, doesn't necessarily mean they want to be involved etc. Know what I mean? Some people are just naturally flirty, say things etc... but that doesn't always mean they want to take it further that just that. Sometimes flirting is just fun.

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k whoa, this is getting way too wierd, SHE asked for MY number today...whats up with that??

oh ya, her boyfriend lives out of town, forgot to mention that..but I dunno, I can't bring myself to do anything more than go with the flow on this...im not fighting it, but also im not actively pursuing either...

this is a really difficult position im in, but like the previous post just said, maybe shes just harmlessly flirting..?? :confused:

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Originally posted by joseph

k whoa, this is getting way too wierd, SHE asked for MY number today...whats up with that??

oh ya, her boyfriend lives out of town, forgot to mention that..but I dunno, I can't bring myself to do anything more than go with the flow on this...im not fighting it, but also im not actively pursuing either...

this is a really difficult position im in, but like the previous post just said, shes just harmlessly flirting..?? :confused:




((( Curt buries his head in his hands, incredulous at the commentary... )))




OOOhhhhhh myyyyy .... time to get off this thing. :lmao:

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Now you how just friendly 'what a nice ass..." can turn into "give me your number'?

You know where to take this....Lay her down or get her on her knees..... :)

Give us the juicy details..... :D

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Originally posted by joseph

LOL! sorry bud, ill figure something out:lmao:


Oh, 'tis O.K. my man. I know what it is to have doubts.


Like Paradise said ... keep us informed.


OH ... but maybe wait a while before layin' her down or gettin' her on her knees. :p



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Now how would you know if she's scoping out a replacement? Maybe she has no intention of dumping the bf and only wants a bit of booty when he's not around to provide.


Interesting. If it was a woman saying that some guy has a gf but is flirting, people would be cautioning her that he's a player but when it's reversed, whole other story.


If a person is in a relationship, that person needs to exit the relationship. This bit about 'insurance policy' is bogus. At best, it means the person involved can't manage without being in a relationship so has to have one lined up before leaving another. There's a real desirable quality - not.

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Originally posted by Curt



[color=red]MAN - LET HER KNOW YOU LIKE HER TOO !!![/color]


I'm thinkin' she may have the hots for ya. He (the other dude) may not be all that!


If you can deal with the idea of being a rebound and you do think she's worth it, GET IN THERE!!!


How can you go on not knowing how she feels about ya? Keep distance a bit, yes, but, don't snooze or you know what will happen!




As can be seen from the underlined points, I would never suggest that he be the victim of a player. She started this, and he will need to assess whether or not she is willing to drop the dude she is with (hence the ideas above, both of the girl herself looking to trade her current S.O. for him, and the other idea of him potentially becoming a rebound). In addition, I did caution him to keep his distance a bit.


Also, just to add a note here. Merry, you say that she appears as if she ...


has to have one lined up before leaving another. There's a real desirable quality - not.


I think you're right, BUT, how much does this happen in life? A lot, I think. It may be great for us to stick ourselves in a preconceived notion of what good form and bad form is here w.r.t. her leaving, but, we don't know the individual situation that she may be facing with her B.F. either. Principle is excellent and laudable, but ... sometimes life interferes with ideals.


OK ... I think we agree that he would need to know what her intentions are, but should he do nothing instead ?


Just curious. :)



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Originally posted by moimeme

Now how would you know if she's scoping out a replacement? ...........................

If a person is in a relationship, that person needs to exit the relationship.

Maybe she wants a love triangle. We all know about having two sexual partners....don't we?……….. :rolleyes:

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