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Here are some provocative lines this guy (the bragger) wrote me. Does he have a problem?

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Here is almost a word-to-word excerpt of the latest letter I got from this guy who thinks he's God's gift to women. We had been getting along great (writing good letters, getting along)he was extremely attracted to me until we realized we had huge differenced in opinions... Tell me what you make of this letter...


Hi Jill,


Will not be able to call you because I have to go take care of my ex-girlfriend who is sick.


I guess we have different ideas of what is sexy.


(I had written that I was suspicous of guys who brag about how great they are in bed and he relplied:)


It all remains to be seen, don't you think? All I can say is that I have haed mostly black women for the past 15 years. Black women, unlike white women will not stay with you unless you satisfy them. You may say that it is generic racial garbage, and of coures there are differences among the individual. Still, the average black woman will want sex far more often, for far longer than your average white woman, by orders of magnitude. If a woman like ----- stayed with me for 10 years it was because she was getting good loving. In fact, it is more than that, if you are really good at it, it is actually the best way to control a woman, through sex.


Now, if I talk about it, it is because it is part of my bad boy spiel, I may be insecure about things, but not sex. You are white and you told me what experiences you have had, I would be very concerned, very, as to whether you could satisfy me.


Last time a woman told me some bullsh-- like this, she was concerned about my age (41)she said, and thought my statements of how I was going to make her feel were ridiculously exaggerated. Ask her how she felt when she had to ask me to stop because it was too much for her, several times, and she was 15 years younger.


I always am great, because I am used to the best. Plus, I am an Italian man, completely without any boundaries other than hurting others, with an incredibly large cock, trained by black women and exceptional in physical shape. For these reasons I know how to last a very long time and therefore


I am always concerned, with white women, as to whether they have what it takes to satisfy me. In my experience very few


do, I would say much less than 10%.


Whether you want to do it, or I want to do it or not, it is a different matter. As to whether I can satisfy you or not, if we do it, it is not my problem, it is yours, if you cannot get satisfied with me, you got a problem with yourself.


I guess it was my turn to be harsh.



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HE WROTE YOU: "Will not be able to call you because I have to go take care of my ex-girlfriend who is sick."


Judging by the rest of his post, his ex girlfriend had come down with a really bad case of nymphomania.


You didn't say if this was an in-person relationship, you only referred to letters. Have you met this guy? Have you been seeing him for a while? Writing to you this way shows he has no respect for you or regard for your feelings.


This guy has no class, little intelligence, no manners, no style, no consideration, etc. Could he have possibly been on drugs when he wrote this? If your other correspondence was decent, he let his little Freddie out of his pants with this one. He is one big DUD.


Most nice women would not go for a man who considered sex an Olympic event rather than an expression of love. However, I suppose if his statements are true, he has the bragging rights and there would be some women who would sign on for an endurance test.


Decent men with class and respect for women do not write letters like this and have such discussions very discretely with their lover with much different words. My take would be that this guy has very low self esteem in many areas.


Maybe that's all he can do, screw. If that's the case, you can't blame him for accentuating his only positive. In my opinion, he is SCREWED UP.


I do hope you have a chance to verify the accuracy of the statements he has made. Let us know.

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You're right this guy think's he is god's gift to woman. Well he's not. Something is wrong and you can do much better. Trust me. He's not all what he thinks so get away before you end up getting hurt.

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You didn't say if this was an in-person relationship, you only referred to letters. Have you met this guy? Have you been seeing him for a while?

No, never met him yet. Don't know if I want to now. Seen


a few photos of him which are decent-looking. He has a


doctorate degree in nuclear physics and lectures at





he have possibly been on drugs when he wrote this?


Don't think he takes drugs.


What do you make of his statements about black women?

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He has a doctorate or SAYS he has a doctorate???


I have no opinion of his statements about black women. I know nothing about the sexual appetites of black women, although I would think they are just as varied as those of any other race.


You are taking serious chances investing this kind of time on a guy you only know through correspondence. I do think he has some varied and deep psychological issues.


I truly hope you decide not to persue this man. He is a dud, a Ph.Dud.

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He has a doctorate or SAYS he has a doctorate???

I checked everything on the internet and found his name


on several sites linked to nuclear physics and also as


guest professor at one of the top American universities!


He gave me all three of his addresses and #s as well:


private, cell and his work laboratory. Isn't that stupid


of him? I would never disclose his identity because I am


not nasty and have no reason to be mean, but some mentally


unstable woman could cause him huge embarassment with his


collegues! Don't you think?

You are taking serious chances investing this kind of time on a guy you only know through correspondence.


Don't worry Tony, I haven't invested myself emotionally at


all. I just can't believe a man would write something like



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I don't care who this guy is or what kind of a degree he has, he has shown himself to be unsuitable as a friend or partner.


Now if you want to be the wife of a perverted, ill-mannered, rude, inconsiderate nuclear physicist, be my guest.


Over and out and nothing more to say about this.

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Will not be able to call you because I have to go take care of my ex-girlfriend who is sick.

This is a showstopper in my book.


His ex-girlfriend is still involved in his life to the point where he runs to her when she's sick.



told me what experiences you have had, I would be very concerned, very, as to whether you could satisfy me.

And here's good evidence to suggest he's merely an a*******.


Doctorate, Master's, BA, or High School Diploma, this is bad news.

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Any guy that brags about how great he is in the sack is a big turn-off. What makes him think that that will get women to sleep with him? And then he blames you ahead of time, just in case you are not satisfied with him: It is your problem, not his. Wow, he sounds like a complete, unromantic jerk.


His stereotypes about black women shows an uneducated point of view. His writing does not display the kind of intelligence it takes to be in such an intellectually demanding field. He could be lying about his real name too.

I don't care who this guy is or what kind of a degree he has, he has shown himself to be unsuitable as a friend or partner. Now if you want to be the wife of a perverted, ill-mannered, rude, inconsiderate nuclear physicist, be my guest. Over and out and nothing more to say about this.
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