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I am just confused about a guy's behaviour.


I have met him at dancing and my friend thought he looked like he likes me.


I met him through a guy that I sorta like, and this is the sorta guy i usually go for.


Well for the last few weeks I have seen him at dancing, but he doesnt stay for long.


Whenever he has friends with him, I see him always pointing out to me.


He always takes me onto the dance floor without even waiting for an answer.


the thing is last night, i saw him at dancing and he said hello, then went home, without even dancing with me.


But tonight, I saw him at the casino, and I saw him showing a friend of his to me. Then he started dancing with us, putting his arm around me, talking to me, and basically being someone who wasnt shy, which isint like him, which i assume he was sorta drunk.


He just seems interested, but I dont know. What do u guys suggest and how should I act and all that......


Thanks in advance......


Julia in Australia

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It sounds to me that he is very attracted to you but shy, unless he is drunk.


The next time you see him alone, without his friends around, walk over to him and say hello. Let him know you enjoy dancing with him and let him know you'd like to know a little bit more about him. Men always like it when women ask details about them, their work, hobbies, etc.


I think if you do that, things will proceed just fine from there.


Of course, you can always wait until he gets drunk again. It seems he has a lot more courage at that time.

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the thing is last night, i saw him at dancing and he said hello, then went home, without even dancing with me.

Hey Tony, this isn't you is it?


Because it sounds like your m.o.


Oh, you're going to hate this, so I'll say it:


I think you rely on this sort of approach because you're afraid to ask women out directly.


And then the ones who really do have interest are forced to chase you.


This way you don't ever really have to risk getting rejected.


Am I wrong?

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Hey Tony, this isn't you is it?


Mitch: Your posts are extremely difficult to understand, but then again, I'm sure you'll agree I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. So, no offense to you.


If I understand correctly that you directed this post to me, the answer is no...it is not about me and I have no standard approach in these matters.


I am very happily married and my wife would certainly kill me if I came on to woman.

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To add to that comment........


Read the bottom line.........I am from AUSTRALIA........Tony is from AMERICA........


get it??


By the way Tony, thanx for the advice!



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