Clep Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I have a friend I met in prenatal class ten years ago. We have remained friends ever since. She has moved to more of an acquaintance in the last few years as I have grown in a different direction as her, however I still value her very much. I got married last month and she was invited to the wedding six months prior. In the last few months she has let me know she would let my son live with her when he is older and support him if he wanted to be a pot smoker among other things. I just let that go but was not impressed with her statement. Then she told me she can talk to the dead and I was a little disturbed by that, but as long as she keeps that to herself in the future I'm not really concerned about that either. I am a Christian and have my own beliefs about the situation, but not my concern so I let it be. I do not go to her house as I don't want to be around the drugs and excessive drinking but see her other places. I also don't have my son at her house and her daughter comes to mine. I usually babysit for her if she can't find a sitter or we go places with the children together. I have some boundaries to retain the friendship without having to be involved in her lifestyle. At my wedding she met many of my very close friends. These are people from my inner circle that I deeply value. Within a week, she befriended all of them, started going out with them and each person came to me with some things that she had shared about why she was mad at me. All the reasons were false and were also different. I was stunned. She has never come to me of course. I just let each person know it was not their job to talk with me about it and she can bring it up to me herself if she is that concerned. I don't think she knows my friends have shared the info with me. My closest friend and I craft together often. We go to a weekend crafting retreat every November and we are just getting ready to register. My friend let's me know she has invited this other friend of mine. I was not pleased and do not want to spend the weekend with her. I can't go anywhere should she start some controversial conversation. Nor do I want to smell her when she has been smoking a joint or deal with her drunk. I have not shared with anyone what has been going on, nor have I spoken to my friend that is being less than honest with me. I feel like I am back in high school!!! My other friends have never spoken to me about it again, but I can't help feeling like this woman is infiltrating my close circle of friends and bringing negativity into the situation. We have had many others join our circle of friends with open arms and our circle just get's bigger and happier. I thought maybe I am just being silly and jealous, but the fact that this has never happened with anyone else in all the people that have come into our circle of friends I know I am not. Not quite sure how to handle this. Any input? Link to post Share on other sites
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