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Female Abuser


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My ex wife (I have two) was the sweetest kindest woman I have ever met. She was really the one for me.


Toward the end of our relationship, she lashed out at me physically because I stepped between her and my little 7 year old boy who she was berating because I asked him to go back inside to get his jacket on (it was cold out).


She started kicking and punching me. The whole time all I could think was that she was trying to entice me into hitting her so that she would have the upper hand in the divorce. I grabbed her hands and sat on her on the sofa and told her that I was not going to hit her and that I would not let her up until she calmed down. She did after a few seconds of struggling.


Once I left I went right to the police station and filed a report.


Men - have you ever experienced something like this?

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I believe woman abuse as much or more than men. Problem is men can inflect serious damage to a woman if he looses it.


My ex abused with her mouth more then with a slap. I never hit her, (or any woman) but I knew if I lost it she would be the type to grab a knife. She knows she was at a huge disadvantage when it came to strength, speed and athletics so she is the type that will look for the advantage. It never came to that. She had done it in her childhood. Over all we did not fight that often but when we did she would not hold back. The thing is bullies will push your buttons. If you don't show them the limits they will keep pushing. She hated bullies but was one herself.

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I know this all too well. Read my story:



I also am aware of the previous poster who cited the Harvard study which found that 70% of domestic violence victims are men. What I would add that, however, is this is only true in cases where the violence was NOT mutual. When there is mutual violence, that is another ballgame.

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