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How do I ask her?

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I've met this girl, working at the same place as me, she's everything I looked for in a girl, funny, sweet, smart, caring... Well the other day I was having this really bad cough and she bought me some cough drops, just specially for my cough, that really touched my heart, I've known her for around 2 months and I want her to be my gf. But I'm a really shy guy and Im really nervous, so any advice? How should I ask her? I'm meant to go out with her later on, and I plan on asking her the question, really really stressed out here. How should i pop the question, what exactly should I say?

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Be yourself. Flirt. Have fun. Don't focus on her TOO much, because women love a chase, too. At the end of the "meeting up" with her, look into her eyes, smile, and tell her you had a really good time. Chances are there will be indications of how she feels about you.

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