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Friends with Ex, good or bad?

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Been connected again with ex bf after 8months, its like feeling is still there but I know for myself that I only wanted to be friends, tho part of what happened before and pains has been said, but we're good.


Have you been guys into this situation? Did u get back again or u stayed good friends?

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If you guys ended on good terms, and you both had enough time apart to not have feelings for each other, I think it's fine. But, if you ended on bad terms and you feel that the feelings are still strongly there, you shouldn't.

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I generally agree with Luna, but I would also add:


1. Being friends only works if you both want to only be friends

2. Only you know if you can successfully avoid falling again, and if you're questioning it, that's a yellow flag. Take heed.

3. If either of you want to get back together and the other doesn't, this is a very bad idea as you're setting yourselves up for more drama and pain.

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