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How to approach the girl I like?

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I am an exchange student in Japan for 2 years. I just started my exchange program and began high school 3 days ago. Part of my family is Japanese and I go to Japan every year, thanks to that I am able to engage in conversations with the folks around here. But anyway, that's off topic. I use the train to go to and leave the school.


So, yesterday this nice girl started talking to me in the station. She is in the same year as I am but in a different class. In the beginning she didn't look extremely beautiful but as I talked to her more and more she looked more and more beautiful and cute to my eyes. We had a good conversation, she even called me good-looking and I told her that was a lie and that she was very cute. When I told her that, she blushed and stuff, very cute. She gets off a few stations before mine so we only talked in the train for like 15 minutes. However, after our encounter I couldn't stop thinking about her, I even dreamed about her, when I woke up the first thing I did was to think about her. She totally captivated me.


I asked her when did she usually take the train in the afternoons and she told me that it depends, but in the morning she always takes the 8 o'clock train. Having that in mind, I decided to wake up earlier and take that train. I took it and met her, but she was surrounded with other girls. I am very good at socializing with people individually, but I really suck at talking with a group. That's why most of the way I kept silent and everything was very awkward.


I got really depressed after that. However, every time she sees me she goes: 'Hey Carlos!' very happily and with a big smile on her face. That made me very happy, she is well aware of me. So, today afternoon I wanted to take the train she takes. Unfortunately, I didn't see her anywhere, I sat down for like 1 hour in the station waiting for her to appear, but she didn't. Worst of all is that after-school clubs are starting soon, and the ending time highly varies from one club to another. So we may not be able to meet anymore in the afternoons. Japanese students stay in their own class the whole day, so I can't go to her class saying I want to talk with her (that would also be kind of awkward). I think the only possibility is the train.


So, what do you guys think I should do? I am very lost at the moment. I really want to be friends with her (or even more). I really don't want to lose her. By the way, my host mum doesn't allow me to have any girlfriends, but I think love can't just be stopped like that. If our relationship grows I will think of what to tell my host mother then. I thought maybe I could ask the girl (called Takauchi) to tour me around the city since I still don't know it, but it may feel kind of rushed and may creep her out. Once again, what do you think I should do? Thanks for reading! Also, sorry if the question is too long. Many things could have been avoided, but well.

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Hey, I don't know how Japan is culturally wise but I say that you should really try to find her again on the train and when you do just approach her and ask her if she would like to have a coffee or something (I say better that than the tour as if she is shy it can freak her out spend all day with a stranger, you could always do the tour after you guys engaged on a shorter date and she trusts you more). Don't mind about the friends, I understand it can be nerve wrecking but then again will you get another chance? I'm a girl, and believe me, it's lovely if a guy actually as the courage to ask me out on a train, I don't think I would say no, specially if I had met him before and engaged in conversation, I would love that ;)

Good luck

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