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I want to meet a man who is well off


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Can someone give me advice on how to meet a well-off man? I am very attractive, intelligent and sophisticated, but don't make very much money because I am overqualified for the type of work I should be doing, and in my city there is not a high demand for my skills.


The guys I've been with in the past were great lovers, but had hardly any financial stability. This is not why the relationships broke up, as it was because they usually cheated on me and ended up really hurting me.


I don't want a boring millionaire who can only talk about stocks and business matters either.


I am kind of isolated because I live downstairs in my parent's home in a residential suburb outside the city. Have no car, and must rely on a poor public transportation system. This means that on week-ends I either have to stay here or walk around town with a back-pack because if I go out late I usually sleep over at my aunt's place.


All the life for me take place in the city and I know that if I could be there all the time I would thrive. The only problem is that right now there is no way I could afford to pay rent in an appartment with the amount I make, and I don't want to kill myself my working too much just to live evenly.


What would you suggest I do?



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This seems a little sad to me.Please don't get me wrong,Olivia, I don't mean to be hard on you.


The fact is well-off men can be just as big a jerks as those financially un-stable types you've talked about.There's no law written somewhere that states that finacial sucess buys you a personality. There are lot of really nice financially stable men out there .But how do you expect to weed them out from the well-off jerks if you can't do it with the men you've been with so far?


This reminds me of certain men who look for certain qualities in women. They want their women drop dead gorgeous,intelligent ,witty and also honest and kind. Now,whats a guy to do if he finds an honest,witty,kind ,intelligent woman who isn't drop dead gorgeous?


However,I understand that women need men who can take care of them (and their potential offspring) and financial stability is certainly an asset. I wish I could tell you where to meet such men.Maybe a golf course? Or a place that sells suits? Or try a gym maybe.Good luck to you.

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I agree somewhat with Rogue, but if you accidentally end up with a jerk, it's better if he's got some money.


Join organizations that have lots of well off men as members. Hang out around medical schools. Lots of unmarried docs looking for mates right after they get out of residency. When you go to parties, do like other ladies do and ask what the guy does. Then go to the libary and see what the salary range is for that field.


You have to be careful. A lot of men know there's ladies like you out there hunting for them. The truly well off ones will want you to sign a prenuptial agreement. Hint: Most men get wealthy, not by being generous, but by being stingy and conservative. There are many more men who will want to win your heart and pretend to have money. They'll have a fancy but mostly financed automobile, an expensive apartment, and take you to every nice restaurant and concert in town, with the help of Visa and Master Card. You won't find out how broke they are at the end of each month until you marry them.


Hey, if I was a chick I'd want to fall in love with a guy with money myself but sifting through all the crap isn't easy. You could befriend a few stockbrokers. They know who's got the bucks because they handle the money. Ask them to introduce you to some of their "nicer" clients who are single...yeah, that's it.


You could get a job at a bank. That's pretty easy. You can get the balances of any customer. Then flirt with the ones with big balances. Eventually, one is bound to ask you out.


I think you'd be safest dating men with last names like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Dupont, Gates, etc. Short of that, you just have to keep on moving around in circles where wealthy men travel and keep your eyes and ears open.


Hint: Most young rich guys are players. They know they're in demand and they play with your head big time, get everything they want from you and send your butt cruising down the road.


I really want you to be successful in finding a rich guy. Maybe you should just advertise for one. Make him put up a large cash deposit before he takes you out.


What you're wanting to do is just really hard. Truly wealthy men do not put on airs and they're the men you'd least likely think had big bucks.


Just find someone to love. Ask any rich man, anywhere, and he will tell you he would much rather have true love than big bucks. But having both is nice.

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Lots of women want rich men, but what have they done to deserve them? Just because you are poor and needy doesn't mean that some rich guy is going to come along and rescue you. In fact a smart man would be wary of a person who wants them for a meal ticket.


I think it is a much better idea to make your own money. If your job is too low-level, do what you can to get yourself into something better for yourself. Right now you sound like you want something for nothing. And there is no such thing.


When I used to teach high school, I asked my classes what they wanted out of life, and so many poor girls too lazy to develop their own potential said they wanted to marry rich men to take care of them for the rest of their lives. But there was nothing special about them. They just wanted to coast through life and be taken care of.

I agree somewhat with Rogue, but if you accidentally end up with a jerk, it's better if he's got some money. Join organizations that have lots of well off men as members. Hang out around medical schools. Lots of unmarried docs looking for mates right after they get out of residency. When you go to parties, do like other ladies do and ask what the guy does. Then go to the libary and see what the salary range is for that field. You have to be careful. A lot of men know there's ladies like you out there hunting for them. The truly well off ones will want you to sign a prenuptial agreement. Hint: Most men get wealthy, not by being generous, but by being stingy and conservative. There are many more men who will want to win your heart and pretend to have money. They'll have a fancy but mostly financed automobile, an expensive apartment, and take you to every nice restaurant and concert in town, with the help of Visa and Master Card. You won't find out how broke they are at the end of each month until you marry them. Hey, if I was a chick I'd want to fall in love with a guy with money myself but sifting through all the crap isn't easy. You could befriend a few stockbrokers. They know who's got the bucks because they handle the money. Ask them to introduce you to some of their "nicer" clients who are single...yeah, that's it. You could get a job at a bank. That's pretty easy. You can get the balances of any customer. Then flirt with the ones with big balances. Eventually, one is bound to ask you out. I think you'd be safest dating men with last names like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Dupont, Gates, etc. Short of that, you just have to keep on moving around in circles where wealthy men travel and keep your eyes and ears open. Hint: Most young rich guys are players. They know they're in demand and they play with your head big time, get everything they want from you and send your butt cruising down the road. I really want you to be successful in finding a rich guy. Maybe you should just advertise for one. Make him put up a large cash deposit before he takes you out. What you're wanting to do is just really hard. Truly wealthy men do not put on airs and they're the men you'd least likely think had big bucks. Just find someone to love. Ask any rich man, anywhere, and he will tell you he would much rather have true love than big bucks. But having both is nice.
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