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Ever Dated a Virgo Man?


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He has a way of making me feel like he's auditioning me for the part of his wife. I read that the more a Virgo scrutinizes you and picks at you, the more they like you - because they are trying to look at you under a microscope and make sure you're up to their impossible standards. He will find the tiniest spot of rough skin on my elbow and ask, "What happened here?" Like he's looking for nicks in leather. lol It's kind of endearing and kind of annoying!


On the first DATE, he was asking me serious questions that suggested he was looking for something serious. He was questioning my relationship readiness and mentality about long-term commitment.


Aww, ur Virgo man sounds sweet! It seems like you're making progress and he's opening up...even if it is slow. But that's still something!

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Sooo...for now I have appointed you my Virgo expert. :) I might obsess online, but I'm 100% sure he would never in a million years think I posted about him! I guess I kinda like to keep up the 'you can't get to me' exterior too...


What bothers me about this whole situation in a nutshell is that it only slowed down because I ended up leaving for a bit. And that's fine and completely makes sense. But I'm on great terms with all my exes and most of the people I've dated. Nothing ever really went extremely sour and we all keep in touch from time to time. But with this one, sometimes I feel like if I didn't say hi...he'd happily go on never hearing from me again! Like, it wouldn't phase him...and he wouldn't ever think, I wonder where that girl went and how she is.


Even if I have to cut something romantically, on a friendship level that doesn't mean I don't care. I guess I don't have that magic switch.

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I'm an Aries and I have been inexplicably drawn to several Virgos. (I guess we like a challenge!) My first boyfriend was a Virgo and that was no picnic, let me tell you. He was slightly obsessive-compulsive and very emotionally distant. Very stubborn, 'my way or the highway'. We lasted only a few months.


One of my more recent crushes, a former coworker, was a Virgo as well. Really fit the profile, especially being detail-oriented (graphic designer, FFS! :laugh:) and super-insecure on the inside with a confident, almost bad-ass swagger to him on the outside. He wasn't interested. At first I thought he was just a little shy/liked to move slowly, but once I took the bull by the horns and asked him on an actual date he was honest and said he didn't see me 'that way'.

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Ruby Slippers

I just had a funny memory from when I stayed at his place recently...


He's sensitive to smells and is constantly spraying air freshener and touching up his cologne (just a touch, though - never too much).


I was lying in the bed and we were about to go to sleep. He came in and sprayed air freshener over the bed, and I felt a little mist of it land on my face. I was just like "Ummm..." :confused::laugh:

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It isn't just Virgo sun signs. Venus in a man's chart describes the type of woman he is attracted to. I am getting to know a Cancer with Venus in Virgo, Moon in Aries, and he fits a lot of the descriptions here. He knows it, too, because he has told me that he is initially cautious and it takes him longer than most to make a commitment but when he does, it's for life. I have Virgo, Aries and Cancer in my chart so I think it makes it easier for me to understand him. However, he was with his ex seven years before he married her and they were married for ten years. I'll be damned if I'm gonna wait seven years!


Aquarians and Capricorns can be just as cold and detached so don't think by avoiding Virgos you will be safe.

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Ruby Slippers
Aquarians and Capricorns can be just as cold and detached so don't think by avoiding Virgos you will be safe.

They're cold in different ways, I think. Caps and Virgos and earth signs, and like most earth and water signs, ultimately crave security. Aquarians are air, on the other hand, and they along with fire signs tend to crave freedom.


So Caps and Virgos tend to want relationships and commitment more. Aquarians almost prefer to be single. I have an Aquarian friend who dates a lot of guys - and she dismisses them for the silliest reasons. It seems pretty clear she doesn't really want to be in a relationship.

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I'd be very careful with these Virgo generalizations that are being made.


Being a Virgo myself, I'm completely open, communicative, and expressive...I'll talk about the most intimate emotions without feeling much vulnerability at all, while other times It takes time for me to build trust, however the level of depth I get to is already much deeper than what is considered "normal" among men. In fact I do this with men and women alike...I don't feel embarrassed, ashamed or like less of a man because I don't express how I really feel.


I'm extremely affectionate, close, and love to feel bonded. I prefer relationships over being single as it makes more sense to me and because I don't particularly see opportunities are an environment to invest the way I do without that companionship.


I'm consistently told in relationships that I'm much different and more open than any relationship they've been in or man they've known, and I'm very honest about my emotions and about most things even If they are not necessarily good...which most men will avoid If they can be taken the wrong way or used against. I will and can talk about anything with a woman, and that opens up a whole other dimension of conversation which leads to closeness and a stronger bond. I tend to teach a lot to my partner In a relationship about men and relationships because I answer questions other men would never dare talk about or be open about you with.


I've poured my heart out over the internet in blogs and journals to strangers..yes with my face plastered over it, I've exposed vulnerabilities and insecurities for everyone to see and know...random critiques, and judgments without understanding.


This eventually led me to giving out advice on this forum as I happened to run into it doing a search on google, much like my experience before when it came to blogging/journaling, in which I chose to do less self expression because I was feeling a bit self-absorbed and wanted to concentrate my efforts on helping others instead of just expressing how I feel and constantly trying to help myself...and funny enough, helping others with insight and advice, even though always not the best...It has been therapeutic/beneficial in it's own way.


I've also known very many Virgos...family members, friends I've known since childhood, and acquaintances. From my perspective some similarities and others completely opposite...some extroverted and love the spotlight/social life, some introverted and unable to express themselves like most of the typical stereotypes. Some very religious (my great uncle was past and I think he was well known in the community), others somewhat conservative, while others reckless and more open-minded....some had the taste for adventure while others were happy building the blocks of their world and only being comfortable in that bubble. Some reliable, others extremely reliable. I could essentially go on all day.


With that being said, I still think Astrology can be a tool when you the right person fits the bill to that description, and I do find it oddly coincidental at times that It does retain a surprising level of consistency...I don't know much about the signs and all that, but there has been some strong consistency here with what I've also known and seen myself...and even I can relate to.


However I'm not sure If that's more relative to men in general or specifically Virgos...I speak with men in my life and talk about personal matters and at least all signs to me didn't have a drastically different method or particular barrier of being open and expressive. I never spoke to anyone a certain way, tried to understand them, or learn how to mesh with them by first understanding their sign...honestly I put little faith in them and more weight in psychology of human beings which for me giving advice has been an extremely useful to in me understanding this world and the people in it.


All men fear being weak and vulnerable to a degree for example, a lot of men have trouble expressing themselves but honestly If you know how to speak to men you can get pretty far with many, you just have to know how to push the right buttons, when and how to get them to open up. However many men remain elusive intentionally to keep the wall up, not every man wants you to knock the wall down some just want to let you in because they've drawn an emotional line there...I believe men know relatively quickly your long term potential.


At any rate...It's a good thread that was an interesting read, I may be an exception among men (as so many others have told and I'm finally coming to accepting I may be in fact much "different", when honestly I'd never had a reason to care and compare) in terms of some attributes especially in regards to expression, so maybe that's why I break the mold and restrictions of Virgos to a great degree even though at the same time some things do connect to me in one shape or form, clever generalizations that are safe bets or just oddly accurate at times? I wouldn't know personally...however It is interesting and compelling enough to hear what the signs say about us, the moons, doors, planets, toilets and all that, I think life is a journey of experience, knowledge and understanding and in that regard all things must be considered...ThaWholgin and FitChick seem to be pretty keen the signs and it's always interesting to read.


I've also noticed women having a harder time disconnecting/getting over Virgos...something that sticks and is attractive, that seems consistent to what I've been told in my relationship history...I've been contacted by ex's/women I have dated out of the blue after many years. However that might just be a cause of something else, who knows.


I want to say that I definitely have my issues...I'm definitely scared of vulnerability at a certain depth and this doesn't mean I am seamless and always transparent with my communication and expression, i definitely need personal space to recollect and organize my thoughts. There are still some things, which I connect with my experiences/child-hood that are hard road blocks for me to overcome and I don't have it all figured out. I've cheated and have also definitely hurt others just like any other man, there was a price that came with all that good. I am definitely no saint when it comes to certain things, however never been a drug user, alcoholic, party animal, and casual sex connoisseur like some may assume because of my experience and knowledge displayed on these forums.




P.S. Virgos are awesome! ;)

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So many of my recent involvements (including a long-term relationship) have been Virgos, and quite a few others have been Capricorns. Apparently I'm drawn to Earth signs.


Virgos are my type, for sure.


But they didn't work, so it may be swell that I'm now dating a Gemini with moon in Cancer. I don't know his whole chart. But I think it's probably good I'm dating a Gemini because the one Gemini I dated in the past (years ago) was head over heels in love with me (and he never took it away; I broke up with him), and the current one is acting that way so far, too.


My stats are

Sun in Cancer

Moon in Virgo

Gemini Rising

Venus in Leo


(I forget the rest of my chart, but I remember those things for sure.)

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I'm already worrying slightly that this might be a problem with me and my guy. I have a hard time imagining him offering this up freely, and I wouldn't be able to continue without that.


Question to the Virgo men (and women) - why is it so hard for you to show emotions and express love verbally?


Yes it was very difficult not being told "I love You" after 3 years, but we were soooo young. Your guy sounds really sweet and mature. I don't think you will have that problem at all. He certainly sounds like a keeper.


I never dated another Virgo man but they must be really special as this thread is 6 pages deep about them.

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He has a way of making me feel like he's auditioning me for the part of his wife. I read that the more a Virgo scrutinizes you and picks at you, the more they like you - because they are trying to look at you under a microscope and make sure you're up to their impossible standards. He will find the tiniest spot of rough skin on my elbow and ask, "What happened here?" Like he's looking for nicks in leather. lol It's kind of endearing and kind of annoying!


On the first DATE, he was asking me serious questions that suggested he was looking for something serious. He was questioning my relationship readiness and mentality about long-term commitment.

This was my experience with Virgo women.


It's kinda fun for a while because I'm competitive and love to be tested. Plus, I'm awesome and am happy to tell anyone within earshot exactly how awesome I am. But after a few months, it gets tiresome. I was like, "Hello? I'm awesome! Can you not figure that out? Are you stupid or something?"


Speaking of which, all this talk about Virgos is getting really boring. Can't we talk about something interesting? And something everyone can agree on? Like how awesome it is to be an ARIES, for instance????

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I've been lurking on this forum for the past month after things started to go awry with a...you guessed it...a Virgo! It wasn't until I saw this thread today that I decided to join the discussion. I read all 5 pages of this thread and I feel as though I have been enlightened. Hallelujah....so I'm not alone in thinking Virgo's are subconsciously all that is wrong in relationships. LOL. I kid. ;) I am a Pisces and I met a Virgo not too long ago through an OLD site. His ability to write long, witty, intelligent messages to me struck my heart and after many many manyyyyy texts (is this also a Virgo trait?!) - we finally met. We had a great first date. On the second date, I couldn't get him to talk it seemed. He seemed interested, but getting him to reveal himself and his personality was hard. He would ask me questions, but when I would ask him the same questions back...he didn't have the answers! o_O He was so closed off and I sat there wondering when I would ever see the real him. He said that he is naturally reserved, but will open up with time. I remember coming home from that second date so confused. 'Do you like me or not?' I wondered, while blogging crazily like a madwoman. I had discovered an unemotional, inexpressive man that I was so drawn too...and it was driving me insane.


One thing you described above that cracked me up was how overly cocky and confident they claim to be, but inside they are really masking their insecurities. He was constantly saying wonderful things about himself about how great he was and yada, yada. It honestly annoyed me and I would bite back, to bring him back down to life. He didn't display any of these cocky mannerisms in person, but through texts, he made himself out to be a the best thing that ever happened in life. Yes, not attractive, but I was hooked. What can a girl do, but take the friggin' bait? Oy vay.


When it comes down to it, I believe he's a great guy. A total and complete workaholic, but great nonetheless. I used to be so upset thinking about how I lost out on someone so awesome w/ so many of the same commonalities as my own - but as a Pisces, I am seeing it clearly now that we are completely incompatible. His lack of emotion and feeling would drive me insane in the future. I talk as though we have a future. Ha. I haven't heard from him in a while. He's always "busy" - which is quite true. haha. I used to think there was something wrong with me, but I really truly do believe it's all because of him and his Virgo ass that we didn't work out. I'm just not perfect enough I guess. *sarcasm alert*


I'm telling you... HARDEST SIGN EVER! to deal with. That was basically my relationship with my ex-Virgo except I carried on for almost THREE YEARS.


Why I even stayed as long as I did... God only knows. But I did love him. I do know that Libras balance out the Virgo, but the Virgo does nothing but make the Libra crazy.


My ex also would talk himself up all the time to people he encountered, and then when we were alone he was all..."i suck I'm doing so horrible I can't get it right" and worry, worry, worry, complain, complain, negative, negative. It really brings us positive Libras down, and it was like I had to become his own personal cheerleader. And SO self absorbed that it was like MY LIFE didn't even matter! I got a new job, was undertaking new projects, learning new things, nervous about doing poorly. Did Virgo care? Absolutely not. Always about him. Sure he'd be like, "oh congrats! oh so proud of you!" then'd he'd go right on talking about himself and his problems again. :mad:


When we broke up it was hilarious, because he sent me a text that said, "I know my head is up my own as$ all of the time, so I never really got to say how proud of you I am."


I was like... YEAH. WHATEVER- A-HOLE.


My ex-Virgo also gave me the line "I'm just naturally reserved" ALL.OF.THE.F'ING.TIME. AS WELL!!!! Whenever we had conflict, a problem, disagreement. Nothing. He would shut down and hide away like a child. If I wanted to talk? Nope. He's reserved. He doesn't want to.


I want to beat my ex with a bat.

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I just had a funny memory from when I stayed at his place recently...


He's sensitive to smells and is constantly spraying air freshener and touching up his cologne (just a touch, though - never too much).


I was lying in the bed and we were about to go to sleep. He came in and sprayed air freshener over the bed, and I felt a little mist of it land on my face. I was just like "Ummm..." :confused::laugh:




My ex-Virgo did this too. When we started dating I introduced him to Bath&Body Works. Forget it. Everytime I showed up there after, he had a candle going. And then he got into the room sprays. And if the room spray ran out he'd spray his cologne around the bedroom. I can't even TELL YOU how many times he's sprayed that crap over me and landed in a drink I was sipping, which I then was now drinking room spray. And I would be sitting there choking to death on OD room spray and he'd STILL be going at it!!!



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I'd be very careful with these Virgo generalizations that are being made.


This eventually led me to giving out advice on this forum as I happened to run into it doing a search on google, much like my experience before when it came to blogging/journaling, in which I chose to do less self expression because I was feeling a bit self-absorbed and wanted to concentrate my efforts on helping others instead of just expressing how I feel and constantly trying to help myself...and funny enough, helping others with insight and advice, even though always not the best...It has been therapeutic/beneficial in it's own way.


I've also known very many Virgos...family members, friends I've known since childhood, and acquaintances. From my perspective some similarities and others completely opposite...some extroverted and love the spotlight/social life, some introverted and unable to express themselves like most of the typical stereotypes. Some very religious (my great uncle was past and I think he was well known in the community), others somewhat conservative, while others reckless and more open-minded....some had the taste for adventure while others were happy building the blocks of their world and only being comfortable in that bubble. Some reliable, others extremely reliable. I could essentially go on all day.


What you're reading is sun sign only. Of course every Virgo is different. Every Virgo will have 11 other planets ruling their personality, behavior, etc.


I'm sure if you gave me your birthday/date/location I will give you a pretty scarily accurate reading into who you are ;)

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Ruby Slippers
Speaking of which, all this talk about Virgos is getting really boring. Can't we talk about something interesting? And something everyone can agree on? Like how awesome it is to be an ARIES, for instance????

:laugh: Typical Aries.


I can't even TELL YOU how many times he's sprayed that crap over me and landed in a drink I was sipping, which I then was now drinking room spray. And I would be sitting there choking to death on OD room spray and he'd STILL be going at it!!!



lmao It's good to know I'm not alone.


I have to say that this thread really was helpful to me last night. I had my usual evening phone call with the fella, and I was thinking about him in this new way - sexy, confident bad-ass on the outside, shy, finicky sweetie on the inside. I even commented on this quality to him, and his response suggested that I've got his number ;)


I don't feel insecure about being with him anymore. Even though he's gorgeous and amazing in dozens of ways, I think he knows that not just anybody can or will deal with his persnickety ass. :laugh:


And I totally agree - I'm coming to ThaWholigan when I have any confounding Virgo man questions!

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I can honestly say I've never dated a Virgo man.


I have no idea if I've ever dated a Virgo woman. That would require me to know the dates for a star sign other than my own, and that would require me to give a damn about astrology.

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This was my experience with Virgo women.


It's kinda fun for a while because I'm competitive and love to be tested. Plus, I'm awesome and am happy to tell anyone within earshot exactly how awesome I am. But after a few months, it gets tiresome. I was like, "Hello? I'm awesome! Can you not figure that out? Are you stupid or something?"


Speaking of which, all this talk about Virgos is getting really boring. Can't we talk about something interesting? And something everyone can agree on? Like how awesome it is to be an ARIES, for instance????


:laugh: I can do that.


I was trying to think of any Virgo's I've known, and the two that I can think of, aren't very nice examples. One was a liar - he had two passports, according to my mother, so he probably wasn't really a Virgo - and the other one was a woman who was nicknamed The Underwear Queen, by a family friend. She seemed more interested in frilly underwear than spending her money on more important things. I know more Virgo Moons/Venus' than Suns.

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I don't feel insecure about being with him anymore. Even though he's gorgeous and amazing in dozens of ways, I think he knows that not just anybody can or will deal with his persnickety ass. :laugh:


:laugh: I like the way you think.


But he sounds like a really good guy. I hope he continues to be.

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I've dated a few Virgos and I'm married to one. Shy and reserved are two of the last things I'd use to describe my husband!


About the only similarity I noticed among the Virgo men I've known is needing some type of white noise to fall asleep. Complete coincidence; astrology is a lazy route to figuring out and defining individuals. It will never apply to all people born to particular signs and feeding too much into it as a social tool just results in you being an annoying person who makes too many assumptions based on nonsense.

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I've dated a few Virgos and I'm married to one. Shy and reserved are two of the last things I'd use to describe my husband!


About the only similarity I noticed among the Virgo men I've known is needing some type of white noise to fall asleep. Complete coincidence; astrology is a lazy route to figuring out and defining individuals. It will never apply to all people born to particular signs and feeding too much into it as a social tool just results in you being an annoying person who makes too many assumptions based on nonsense.

I wouldn't say that, I just think it's a lot more complicated, Virgo guys actually vary a lot, but so do all other signs - because the whole chart is significantly varied between each individual. It's actually complicated to get into.


It's all in this thread anyway ;)



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I wouldn't say that, I just think it's a lot more complicated, Virgo guys actually vary a lot, but so do all other signs - because the whole chart is significantly varied between each individual. It's actually complicated to get into.


It's all in this thread anyway ;)




Agreed. I love how people come on here screaming "nonsense!" and "you're all lazy!" when they have no clue what astrology is even about.


There's so much involved in astrology... but you said it. It's all talked about above... glad we're on the same page here! hahaha

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Agreed. I love how people come on here screaming "nonsense!" and "you're all lazy!" when they have no clue what astrology is even about.


There's so much involved in astrology... but you said it. It's all talked about above... glad we're on the same page here! hahaha

I like to use other things too though, outside of astrology. Astrology is just something I have studied for fun since I was 10.

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I like to use other things too though, outside of astrology. Astrology is just something I have studied for fun since I was 10.


Yeah I've always been into it, because when you really get into birth charts and full readings, they're scarily accurate.


And I like to think of it like this... does anyone have ANY clue how large the universe is, and how small planet Earth is in comparison to what is going on outside in outer space? To think, for ONE SECOND, we're anything significant, and to think for ONE SECOND that there is nothing more profound going on apart from this godforsaken planet... sadly mistaken.


PS: What do you mean you like to use other things?

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