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What to do for my boyfriend's brother who seems jealous...

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Alright, here's the problem I have.

I have been dating my BF for almost 6 months and I feel that his older brother who's single doesnt like me. I dont kow what to do.

His older brother hasnt been in a serious relationship as far as I know and is not social. First time I met him, he never introduced me to him. Does that sound like he never liked me even before he saw me?

My boyfriend and his older brother are like best friends. So I feel it's obvious that he feels jealous for me taking away his brother AND a best friend.


If I decide to break up with my BF because I cant stand his older brother... then his brother's going to be so happy... I bet.

Obviously we dont hang out 24/7 but every evening we hang out together and would invite his older brother BUT none of us want to make him feel like a third wheel. So we dont invite him and then he thinks I HATE HIM... which I dont...




So what am I suppose to do??? I've never been in this situation... where by boyfriend was soooo close to his family. It's sometimes annoying but there's gotta be a way to solve this so I dont break up with him...

Only way i can think of is to find his older bro a girl so he'll keep his mind off of my bf... but that's so hard because he's personality is very different and he says he's picky.. and most girls arent attracted to that kind of personality...


Is there another way you know I can do to get rid of that hatred.. or jealousy?

THanks a lot

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You could invite him with you if you're going to see a movie and to a cup of cappuccino afterwards. Get this chance to make him talk and even open up.



I think I do understand about pure incompatibility - you have different personalities, but he is your bf's best friend. He must have something special if your bf thinks is so attached to him.



You know, after reading your post, I'll say that you're not crazy about him either. MAybe even a bit jealous yourself? Best way to overcome this is not to see him as competition for your bf's attention. Learn to share and to look at him. Even if he's got a difficult way of behaving, I'm sure there are lots of things you can learn and find out: about your bf, about their childhood, about your bf's past...




Basically, I'm telling you that if life offers you lemons, try making a lemonade. Just do it slowly... Even if it doesn't work out and he rejects you, your bf will appreciate your trying.

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