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Hurting Heart

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Hurting Heart

Hey I was just wondering anyone's opinion on the following question.....


If you add your ex back to facebook while they are in a new relationship for 2 months now and they accept your request... do you think they did because there are still feelings there?:love:

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Hurting Heart

My ex boyfriend.... we were together 8 years I first broke it off with him because I was planning a bog move and he was going to join but he was taking forever to get a job so I got annoyed and we broke up he tryed to get back together for a while he showed up at my house one night saying how sorry he was and he knew he should of stepped up.. few days later I said that I wanted him to come with me and we should try to fix things.. he did a complete 360 said he didnt want to move anymore and this was a month and a half before I was leaving as the days went on it got worse he started dating some VERY QUICKLY within days I believe... he told me he did not love me anymore and he loved this to person and they were not even together a month at that time... I moved and we havent had much contact they are going on 2 months being together I added him on fb he accepted 2 hrs later I was deleted again... I found out they were together tn I assume that she found out he accepted me and freaked out but all that matters to me is that he accepted me in the first place meaning he wants to make a connection with me again... and this girl is his girlfriend.. if he is so happy with her why would he accept me in a way back into his life?? any opinions...

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Ignore him. If someone really wants to be with you, they know where to find you. You are young, and this will become clear to you as you get older. Life is NOT a Hollywood movie.


For the love of god... FB is not the be-all and end-all of life, nor should you read anything into it. It's just a freaking website. Adding him as a friend, in my opinion, looked desperate, and a bit silly. He probably accepted so you wouldn't feel bad, but that's about it.


The best revenge is living well. Get out into the world, explore it, and be kind to yourself. Do not debase yourself for anyone - be your own best friend, and look out for YOU.


Now go! :)

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