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Me again...Need advice on flirting, etc.

crazy kate

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Hey everyone:


In advance, thank you for bothering to read this.


Anyone who's read my previous post knows that I'm thinking of flirting with a guy in one of my classes. Now what I need advice on is the flirting itself. Do guys like it when a girl approaches them? Does it take the pressure off of them? I read one of Tony's responses that stated that guys like it when you ask about their interests, etc. Taking that into consideration, I have a more specific question.


We're in a Creative writing class together, me and the object of my attention, and as a class, we critique everyone's work. Well I wrote a poem about my dog's toys laying around the house, and, in his comment on that poem, this guy said that his house is overrun with pets, so he could identify with my poem. Okay, so if I march up to him and talk with him, is it too obvious that I'm interested if I ask him what kind of pets he has? Maybe I shouldn't be so detailed right here on the internet where anyone could read this, but I truly need help. I haven't flirted in years.


And, additionally, I wanted to ask about my cute "pickup line" I suppose you could call it. This guy and I were in a group with 2 other people to discuss our nonfiction stories. The one girl is a tad weird, and she wanted our phone numbers in case she wanted clarification on the comments we gave her regarding her work. Well we couldn't refuse to give them out for fear of being rude.


So I was going to sit in the seat in front of this guy before class, say hello, and then ask him if the weird girl called him. (She didn't call me.) Then I was going to say, "So, a little arm twisting and a girl can get your number, huh?" and smile my 150-watt smile. Is that a stinky intro? Is it too obvious and corny? Please, men especially, let me know if this would make you run for the hills. And if you have any suggestions as to how I might get into a nice conversation with this guy, I would truly appreciate them. I'm a little rusty when it comes to knowing what guys like and how to get them interested.


Thank you.


Crazy kate

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Every one of your ideas is splendid...GREAT!!! No matter what you do, make it natural, friendly, and warm. If you do that, it won't even seem like you're flirting but he'll get the message.


Your line about the phone number may be slightly obvious but it isn't corny. It's great, creative, and original. Use it if you get the chance.


You have great potential for being one of the world's great flirts. Some incredibly original ideas here. Keep going, do more, flirt more, worry less, don't care if you don't get the responses you want, just be happy.


Flirt, flirt, flirt. Then back off and seem disinterested. Then, when he least expects it, flirt, flirt, flirt. Then back off again. If you get really great at flirting and even better at backing off, not only will you be able to get any guy you want, you will also win the Nobel Prize for flirting...if there is one. (You will be obligated to share the prize with me, though)

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