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Will I find the right woman?


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I know I'm only 20 and young myself but where is the good, quality woman? The one I can one day present to my family and eventually spend my life with her.


Or I'm I gonna end up still being a virgin who's waiting? Supposedly women are most of the time mature and looking to settle down yet I don't find that. I'm I doing something wrong or are they getting immature suddenly?

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Buddy. Slow down. You are young and should be thinking about getting a career, a life, hobbies, good male friendships. That stuff all takes a lot of hard work. But it is important to your future success.


Once you start to experience this success, you will start feeling the confidence that comes with it.


That is when you will start having success with the type of women you are looking for.


Until then you are likely to struggle.

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In order to get quality you have to BE quality. You have to be in the league you want to play in.


In you want a woman that is good looking, personable, sociable, successful and who people like and admire, then you have to be good looking, personable, sociable, successfull and be someone who people like and admire.


Work on becoming those things and women will be a byproduct of what you become.

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In order to get quality you have to BE quality. You have to be in the league you want to play in.


In you want a woman that is good looking, personable, sociable, successful and who people like and admire, then you have to be good looking, personable, sociable, successfull and be someone who people like and admire.


Work on becoming those things and women will be a byproduct of what you become.



and I think the same is true for women too but young women can get by on good looking alone in their youth. Young men need a little more substance than simply good looks in their youth and women need more substance that simply good looks as they mature.

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Our culture has shifted radically, and most people prefer a few years of freedom before they settle down.


I think this is a GOOD thing and very healthy but unfortunately, because we are in our youth before we can look back and see what it was for, a lot of people fret and rush into things.


Many young men and women do want to commit, but it's not something you force in modern culture, unless you belong to a culture of arranged marriage etc. It's something that happens more freely, which makes it more unpredictable and potentially frustrating, but I wouldn't have it any other way :p

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Yeah remember you have age on your side. Now with me I put in 9 years to the woman I thought I was going to marry and well lets say that's not going to happen. The point is you have plenty of time.

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