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My boyfriend, a lying cheating A hole????

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Erratic Echo

Okay, I can understand men looking at women online and in magazines, we know they are visual creatures, and I personally don't have a big problem with it. What I am wondering about your BF is why did he have to look LOCALLY???!!! The fact that he was looking locally only means ONE THING- that it has the possibility of materializing. And then, he feels it's okay to talk to them? Hmmmm..let's see..NO!!


Respect and Trust are two of the most important components in a relationship, obviously, he doesn't truly respect you very much by doing this, and now you are probably not too trusting of him at the moment. He needs to quit it altogether, and if he can't, well, there's other, more respectful fish in the sea. :) Good Luck!

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After he kicked me out and I moved back home to my townhome the next day... I did the no contact game with him. After about 2 weeks he sent me an email say " he needs to figure out what he wants out of life" and " to work on his issues" and that " he does wonder what it would be like if he met another woman", but then he would hate to throw away everything we have been through... hmmm didnt he already throw it out by cancelling the wedding and making me move back home. He wanted to demote me to a girlfriend again...but wanted to see other girls... I mean really... Hello?


How could we date after he cancels a wedding like that? " he said he didnt know how to move forward with us" I agree... he should have thought out his actions before he jumped to cancelling the wedding so abruptly. Didnt he think about the what would change if he did that?


I sent him a email the next week saying I wanted closure... something of why he wouldnt give us another chance...he said nothing, wouldnt see me or talk to me on the phone, he shut me out... left me to pick up the pieces of my broken life... didnt care how I was feeling one single bit.


I sent him a nasty gram then because I was so fed up of him doing this to me.. I never got to say anything after it was all said and done.. I blew up at him and said things like everything in my life now is going well, I am happy, and that I have found someone else who is loving and kind. ( well I regret saying this..because it wasnt true.. but I just wanted him to see that Im moving on and that im wanted by other men) it back fired... and he sent me a few nasty grams.. I mean what does he expect me to do... after what he did to me....


Anyway, its been 3 months now... I still love him and miss him.. but not really sure who he really was... I really dont know anymore... it confusing...


I dont think he will ever contact me because I didnt pay half the wedding costs.... I mean should I have? Hes the one who cancelled it. Uggg...


It just sucks what he has put me through, and how he threw it all away... in a few days...

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Well at least you can catch him before it gets bad and get rid of him. I dated a guy for three months before a friend found out that my new boyfriend was living with a girl who was the mother of his child and currently pregnant with a second.

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