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Is my girl sleeping with her friend?


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Here's the story. I had been dating this girl for about a year. We recently split due to my moving out of state. I didn't want a long distance relationship and neither did she. However, I've been back home twice since I moved and both times we hooked up. I'm fine with this arrangement, but she told me today that she isn't. She said she doesn't do the whole FWB thing and wants a relationship or nothing. I've been seeing other girls since I moved but she said she hasn't been seeing any other guys. Funny thing is I think she's actually been screwing one of her best guy friends since I left. I met this "friend" of hers several times when we were dating and I never cared much for him. They've known each other for about 5 years and a lot of times when I was around them I felt like they were flirting. She always told me was "like a brother" but it seemed like more than that to me. Here is an actual twitter conversation I came across between them the other day.


Him: Trusting yourself is half the battle

Her: And the battle is.....?

Him: The battle is whatever you want it to be :)flasher

Her: (His name here) always thinking he's makin girls ***, but he don't realize it's just his own *****!!!

Him: Hahahaha dying. Remember when you were pleasantly surprised?

Her:Vaguely... 5 years of waiting...!!! Bahaha!!!

Him: That's a loooong time. Finally though damn

Her:At least we were both pleasantly surprised. It'd have been awkward if one of us wasn't....

Him:I know thank GOD :)


Maybe I'm over-analyzing but I think they're talking about having sex. Am I wrong?

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It does, yes. But it also sounds like they're talking about an event in the distant past, not something recently.


I thought that at first too but her 5 years of waiting comment is getting to me and making me think it's actually pretty recent. They've just known each other about 5 years total. Thanks for responding btw.

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How is she "your girl" if YOU broke up with her though?


I guess technically she isn't but I still call her that and feel she is in my heart. It wasn't really me breaking things off completely. We both said we didn't want a long-distance relationship, so it was more a mutual parting. I really didn't want to split with her but didn't think it was fair to either of us to try to make it work since we are no longer living in the same state. We still talk almost every day and like I said, we're still hooking up when I visit home. I guess it just makes me mad that she said she can't do the FWB thing with me when it looks like that's what she's doing with someone else. I'm not going to lie. Even though we are no longer in a relationship, I hate the thought of her being intimate with someone else, especially this "friend" of hers.

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Ok find out and get it over with or keep it to yourself and fight for her.those are ur options buddy.. try and remember she doesn't do friends with benifits so there is a huge chance ur reading too much into the messages. besides it doesn't sound like they became romantically linked...they still talk more like friends than people who are in love or wanting a love connections. Good luck

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You can't have it both ways: not wanting to be in a relationship with her, but not wanting her to be involved with anyone else. Sh*t or get off the pot.

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It's not that I don't want to be in a relationship with her. I just know how difficult it is to make long-distance relationships work. She felt the same way about the long-distance thing. We agreed that it wasn't fair to either of us. I've been very honest with her when she's asked me if I've been seeing other girls. I knew it would be hard to hear that she was seeing other guys, but she has been telling me since June that she hasn't been. However, I'm starting to think she's not being honest with me. Her little twitter conversation just has me more convinced that she isn't. If she isn't, fine, but I don't get why she would lie to me...

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