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Getting married


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Hello!! I have a question! My Fiance and me want to get married before he leaves for Iraq BUT we don't want our


familys to know! We plan on getting married a year 1/2 later! I was wondering if we get married in nevada just us


two and then have our Big wedding in California is there anyway our parents will find out that were already married


and will we still be able to get another marriage certificut when we finally have our big wedding later? If anyone can


help me that would be great!! Thanks



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Why marry now? Why not wait? It just seems like way too much hassle, dont ya think? The important thing about marraige is taking a vow in public and letting your commitment to each other be known to the world. If you're not ready to do that, why not wait until you are.


Who cares if your parents know about it?

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