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is she interested?

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I met this girl at school last year, we admitted feelings for each other but I just never asked her to be my girlfriend or anything due to a busy schedule and honestly just being a bit of a coward.


Well she eventually lost feelings for me(understandable, didn't make a move.) Hurt pretty bad, but I was expecting it. Anyways we didn't talk for about a month after that, but we eventually started talking again as friends.


We did this throughout the year, but for some reason around summer time we just stopped talking. Well one day out of the blue she texts me saying she misses me and wanted to hang out, but I couldn't since I was out of town. I didn't text her at all after that.


Well one day around august 1st she texts me and said she still likes me and had feelings for me for a while and had just been waiting to tell me. Well I didn't really have feelings for her at this point tbh and just said "Well thanks for letting me know." and other stuff like that.


We kept talking though, stayed up till like 3am talking on the phone and texting each other. She would always call me "babe" "hon", and "dear" which I thought was a little weird seeing as were both 16 yrs old and not even going out.


I was really impressed with her and might have even developed feelings for her when she was always willing to talk to me when I was struggling with some things(everything is fine now.)


Well we still talked and she seemed really flirty, lots of winky and smiley faces, calling me "babe" and "dear" and that sorta thing.


Anyways we were talking one night when I sort of misintrerpreted something she had said and flipped out(I didn't care what she said, its just that I was pissed she said it cause we had been pretty harsh to each other earlier that year and I wanted it to be over.) I called her a bitch, and said I would just talk to a girl who was hotter than she was, and that I "had NO feelings for her."--Kind of a lie??


Well I'm asking if she's still interested because last time we talked she got all pissed at me because I told her I cheated in one of my classes, i was just talking casually--WTF? and she like lectured me and there was no more flirty stuff. I said "I really miss talking to you" and she just said "kk". Is she just hurt and holding back feelings? or are we just done?

Edited by nh1984
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Well...sounds like she liked you. You might still have a chance if you talk things over with her but you have to be cool about it. You really screwed things up when you flipped out on her then you cheated in class. Why did you tell her that? Now she see's you as a different person. Just talk to her. Let her know the cheating was a stupid mistake for one thing. Don't tell her you still have feelings for her yet. You have to gain that trust factor back first. She might act like she's not interested in the begining but if you're a good talker maybe things might turn out for the best.

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thanks for the reply, I'm just going to have to decide if she's worth it I guess. And for the cheating thing we were just having a casual convo and she like flipped out, don't really get it--oh well...


btw if a girl calls you a pet name such as babe or dear or boo or something like that(at my age) is there a good chance she's into you?

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Obviously she is like she is feels comfortable with you and happy with you You should just ask her you will something more than friendship with her she will definitely come.:)

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You're done.


You've acted really disinterested for a long time now, and to top it off you did this: "I called her a bitch, and said I would just talk to a girl who was hotter than she was, and that I 'had NO feelings for her.' " -- when you knew she had feelings for you. After you already dismissed her feelings with "Well thanks for letting me know." You don't mention ever apologizing for calling her a bitch, either.


What's so weird about her reaction to your cheating? She obviously thinks it's immoral or unethical. You may disagree with that view, but you're going to run into many more people in the future who also have an unfavorable view of cheating, so you should be expecting some negative reactions to it.


Basically, she was into you -- she told you so! more than once! -- and over an entire year, you've not only made no effort to move things forward with her, you've actually been mean to her. Unless she's delusional or a masochist, you are definitely done.

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I agree with nomagicbullet......you blew it.


You called her a bitch. That's not cool.


She flat out told you that she liked you which takes a hell of a lot of courage for a 16 year old girl to do. You blew her off.


Try to be nicer to the next one. But leave this poor girl alone...you've messed with her head enough.

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lol.... if you didn't care you wouldn't be here. Drop the "I don't give a ****" crap... I know as a male teen is seems cool, but really, teen girls actually have feelings and are emotionally developed. You treated her pretty crappy.


You seriously should leave this girl alone. You messed with her head and you know it.


I hope my 15 yr old son doesn't treat girls this way!

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The very next time you hear from her, invite her to meet with you personally for a cup of coffee.


As soon as she shows up to the meeting spot, say "I just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry for the times I acted like a jerk to you." Then before she can respond, hug her and give her a great big kiss on the lips.


You will know where you stand with her one way or another.

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The very next time you hear from her, invite her to meet with you personally for a cup of coffee.


As soon as she shows up to the meeting spot, say "I just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry for the times I acted like a jerk to you." Then before she can respond, hug her and give her a great big kiss on the lips.


You will know where you stand with her one way or another.



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I met this girl at school last year, we admitted feelings for each other but I just never asked her to be my girlfriend or anything due to a busy schedule and honestly just being a bit of a coward.


Well she eventually lost feelings for me(understandable, didn't make a move.) Hurt pretty bad, but I was expecting it. Anyways we didn't talk for about a month after that, but we eventually started talking again as friends.


We did this throughout the year, but for some reason around summer time we just stopped talking. Well one day out of the blue she texts me saying she misses me and wanted to hang out, but I couldn't since I was out of town. I didn't text her at all after that.


Well one day around august 1st she texts me and said she still likes me and had feelings for me for a while and had just been waiting to tell me. Well I didn't really have feelings for her at this point tbh and just said "Well thanks for letting me know." and other stuff like that.


We kept talking though, stayed up till like 3am talking on the phone and texting each other. She would always call me "babe" "hon", and "dear" which I thought was a little weird seeing as were both 16 yrs old and not even going out.


I was really impressed with her and might have even developed feelings for her when she was always willing to talk to me when I was struggling with some things(everything is fine now.)


Well we still talked and she seemed really flirty, lots of winky and smiley faces, calling me "babe" and "dear" and that sorta thing.


Anyways we were talking one night when I sort of misintrerpreted something she had said and flipped out(I didn't care what she said, its just that I was pissed she said it cause we had been pretty harsh to each other earlier that year and I wanted it to be over.) I called her a bitch, and said I would just talk to a girl who was hotter than she was, and that I "had NO feelings for her."--Kind of a lie??


Well I'm asking if she's still interested because last time we talked she got all pissed at me because I told her I cheated in one of my classes, i was just talking casually--WTF? and she like lectured me and there was no more flirty stuff. I said "I really miss talking to you" and she just said "kk". Is she just hurt and holding back feelings? or are we just done?


Based on what you posted, maybe she is still unsure of what she truly feels for you because she has been moving forward and back with regards to what she truly feels for you. Try asking her once you're both in very good terms with each other...

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Thanks for all the responses everyone. Really helping me out


UPDATE: She started texting me again and said she forgives me, and she said something about a guy friend she goes to church with(known since they were little, but they really are just friends I've read their convos and its really basic). Anyways since I'm an ******* and got jealous I called him a loser and a scrub and stuff like that, said I would kick his ass. she said "he's my friend' and stuff like that. Well I said some more stuff and she just said "bye".


Well she heard I've been talking to other girls from this guy and texted the guy(we go to the same school, btw I apologized to this kid for talking behind his back, we're cool now) to tell me not to talk to her anymore. Weird thing is that she texted me the next day and said she said that because she didn't have the right words to say to me.(She initiated contact, kinda strange). She also said "sorry" starts to lose its meaning after a while and such. I asked if we could still talk and she said she needed to think about us first but that she forgives me.


Any insight? I'm totally confused

Edited by nh1984
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I really don't understand you. She told you she liked you 2 months ago. then you flip out and call her a bitch. then you come here and post all this. then when she mentions her friend you call him a loser and said you would kick his ass? Why do you want to know if she is interested? you really don't seem to care about her in any level. and your reply to the comment by DuckSoup were he told you to invite her to coffee and apologise was "nah" I have the impression you don't care about her at all, not even as a friend.

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