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Ok I gotta ask.....


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Hey guys and gals,


I previously signed on and gotten some good insight but now 5 months into this I find myself questioning my fwb predicament. Hopefully you can share a fresh perspective as I am at times a little blindsided!


Basically without all the intracite details I have entered or better yet ended up In fwb situation. Mainly due to her circumstances beings she divulged initially she had just ended a 10 year unhealthy relationship thus entering another one right away was not on her agenda... Understandably!


I also explained my side to her and having feelings/ attraction and although not wanting to pressure or rush anything I was content hanging out and taking the time to learn more about her. While I knew she would be in the rebellious state and accepting all the new attention I also told her that I can appreciate a little heat and healthy competition as well! What I never want is to just be a number or a notch on her ego conquest. That if ever the case let me know so I can gracefully bow out! Her attitude has always been "let's just live for the moment now and who knows what may happen own the road!"


I feel like I'm more emotionally involved but she also threw out some major mixed signals that even her very own best friend approached me and said she sees it herself and understood why I was so overly confused. In addition my fwb confessed I'm am someone she treasures very close and one of the only three people consistently in her life and she talks with on a daily basis, (she initiates all contact every single day). I mean she even just started med school and still makes a point to text me morn, noon and night! Honestly speaking I could say she def has shown subtle signs of jealousy at times so I know she must have some feelings!


My question is... Do I have the right to know about others she is talking/ messing around with? (For the record this isn't about jealousy as it is more a self respect thing as much as I like her I rather hurt now call it quits and walk away to find someone else who rather have all of me!!)


She is very secretive about her personal life but since we hang most of the time I would assume like her best friend told me "there is no one even close to the position you are to her!" but it could just mean she doesn't know either!


Dunno if this helps but physically... We fooled around a quite a few times during the summer as we hung out a lot, albeit all times was inspired by alcohol but I think that provided more of the excuse to let our guards down. She is not sexually active as her strong beliefs in only sex is saved for a committed relationship, which I respect and admire her more for that anyhow! Lately physical stuff died down but that's cause our schedules and lately just been more dinners and conversation.


Im going nuts!! Lol


Thanks in advance!!

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