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A Spell To Grant 3 Wishes

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submitted by Bikens


PUT THREE candles in the highest

place you have at home,

inside a plate with sugar

all around the candles.

Light the candles.

Ask for three wishes

to your guardian angels



Ask one wish for business,

one wish for love

and an impossible wish.

Publish this spell on the third day

( after you requested the wishes)

and see what happens

on the fourth day...

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I find the blend of witchcraft and christianity ironic.

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Better dang well blow those candles out before they set the house on fire!

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On the 4th day the fire marshall declares the fire started at the top of the house because of lit candles, and the insurance company gives it's first "we are processing the claim - it will be about a week or 10 days" speech.

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thou shalt not pray to false dieties.


Thy true patrons are Larry, Moe, and Curly. And occassionally Shemp, Joe Besser, and Curly Joe DeRita


place 3 cadles for each stooge

chant 3 yucks and 5 wooops

wave thy hand back and forth and up and down

then flutter thy fingers above thine forehead and bark thrice

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Originally posted by dyermaker

I find the blend of witchcraft and christianity ironic.


This 'spell' appears to be of Vodun origins, ergo the references to various Saints. In Vodun/Voodoo, the important spirits of the religion, the Loa, are represented through their respective Saints. These relationshps, Loa and Saints, are based upon attributes that are shared between Christianity and Vudon spirits. This association came out of an attempt to keep one's practice of the Vudon faith secret, more or less.

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Originally posted by faux

This 'spell' appears to be of Vodun origins, ergo the references to various Saints. In Vodun/Voodoo, the important spirits of the religion, the Loa, are represented through their respective Saints. These relationshps, Loa and Saints, are based upon attributes that are shared between Christianity and Vudon spirits. This association came out of an attempt to keep one's practice of the Vudon faith secret, more or less.


So put that in your incense burner and smoke it! :p



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Originally posted by Fayebelle

So put that in your incense burner and smoke it! :p

*does so*

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