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My boyfriend and I were planning on getting married in a couple of months but we decided to wait until he gets out of school which is in a year so it would be easier on us money and everything. We have been dating for four years and I also go to school but it will be about three years till I graduate anyway my problem is now he wants to change schools and do something else and that means we can't get married in a year I have already been telling peole we are getting married in a year and now I have to change what I say And to be honest he is the one who changed it last time What he wants to go to school for will take about 6 years and i don't want to wait that long to get married I mean we have already been dating for four years I told him this and he doesn't know wht he is going to do Am i being selfish I think he is jerking me around by asking me to marry him and calling it off for a year and then wanting to change that Please help and sorry it so long

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Well, for one thing, if he is trying to avoid the marriage - don't try rushing him into it. I got married a year ago to someone I love very dearly, but I was in a relationship a few years ago and wanted to be married to my first love, but he kept avoiding it. It was a good thing we never got married, because after living together for 2 years I had enough of the crap. I know you have been together for 4 years, but time doesn't mean everything. My parents dated 6 weeks and got married -stayed married 14 years. But believe me if he's not ready, you then have to decide whether or not he is worth waiting for. One thing you need to determine is if he really intends on marrying you after graduating or is he stringing you along???

My boyfriend and I were planning on getting married in a couple of months but we decided to wait until he gets out of school which is in a year so it would be easier on us money and everything. We have been dating for four years and I also go to school but it will be about three years till I graduate anyway my problem is now he wants to change schools and do something else and that means we can't get married in a year I have already been telling peole we are getting married in a year and now I have to change what I say And to be honest he is the one who changed it last time What he wants to go to school for will take about 6 years and i don't want to wait that long to get married I mean we have already been dating for four years I told him this and he doesn't know wht he is going to do Am i being selfish I think he is jerking me around by asking me to marry him and calling it off for a year and then wanting to change that Please help and sorry it so long
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