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so giving it a few days and contacting her is a bad idea?


Yes, very bad idea. Just let her go, you blew it. You are only 28 and there's plenty of fish in the sea. However if you remain obsessed you will miss out on other opportunities. Judging by what you have posted my guess is you haven't had a long term relationship yet and if you continue to miss out on all of the opportunities it will eventually be too late. Again, please take a short break from dating and then move on with your life and start dating again. Most of all keep your anger in check at all times as anger control issues are also huge red flags when it comes to dating.

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Initially, I thought she blew you off too quickly. Putting her reaction together with being online and keeping her profile updated, it seemed like she used your behaviour as the excuse to get out of the relationship.




After reading the whole topic, you seem unstable! Hot. Cold. Mind games. Apologies. Disrespect. Jumping to conclusions. Blame. Talking when you shouldn't. Not talking when you should.


I would RUN AWAY as fast as I could if you treated me like that after 4 weeks. She was a stranger 4 weeks ago, and you both did just fine without knowing each other back then. So you'll be fine without each other too.

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I guess I'll agree with most of what you said but no need for me to run when it seems I already made he run away.day 2 in the books of nc .id like to think come Monday which is kinda last day in holding hoping of hearing from her I will but won't .shes got the worst taste every in my mouth so really no reason to even contact me plus you did it twice no reason to think I won't do it again in her mind.Anyway I'll wait wont lie I'm lying up in the hospital I took her advice other night cause of my blood pressure being so high.anyway gonna seek some kind of help I think I'm man enough to admit I gotta lose this anger problem .sigh

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oh geez well if you really wanna call her just do it. you know you will anyway. try to wait at least til monday.
Come monday what do I even say didn't I already talk her ear to death that night .i know It hasn't been a long time but I sure miss her a lot .
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Dave I haven't read all of this thread but it seems to me you might write her a letter, handwritten, very sincerely tell her how you feel. Also what set you off -- which seemed reasonable to me, but you handled it very badly.


You might write the letter and give her as much as a couple of weeks to reconsider. Maybe she will, maybe not.


If she doesn't, you should just move on.


There's a very good book "Make Up Don't Break Up" that has a lot of good advice about how to handle the conflicts that almost inevitably come into relationships. It's all about communicating and understanding what the other person is going through.

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I think that's my biggest problem which she called me out on which is lack of communication .as she said sex is amazing and we have really good chemistry but your temper isn't how you handle stuff.Heck that night sure I had reason to be upset but like she said talk to her about it don't go to bed mad at each other.Sum up what happen to catch you up.friday I picked her up we had sex all was well.saturday we stayed texting and had plans to hang till I had to work late.get a call from uncle long story short a huge dispute over my father who passed away.That point on I was in a bad mood and mindset was just not right.we continue to talk then Tuesday I pick her up after loggin into that site and spotting her that point my head felt on fire but I didn't snap just act cold.i then got Out said our goodbyes and I took off .she text me but I was not right to come back I didn't wanna snap on her.guess I just didn't understand you told me we talk everyday,I'm not talking to anyway ,I dont sleep around ur the only guy,I just update my profile for the heck of it.

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Screw communication, she is sleeping with the OP and still on a dating site updating pics. That is a hug red flag. She is probably seeing other men and the way she responded to the OP by not letting him talk about what was on his mind solidifies that she took the easy way out and she her profile is on that site still for a reason. You are better off OP.

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The hospital text/call was legit I got out Saturday but she didn't reply.hell last thing I tried was leaving her flowers and a card on Saturday night which got no reply .dont get me wrong I was beyond wrong but least you could have said was thank you .sigh guess I'll dust myself up ,keep my mood in check and try again :(

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The hospital text/call was legit I got out Saturday but she didn't reply.hell last thing I tried was leaving her flowers and a card on Saturday night which got no reply .dont get me wrong I was beyond wrong but least you could have said was thank you .sigh guess I'll dust myself up ,keep my mood in check and try again :(


Just let it go. She is not worth it. Don't beat yourself up. I do stand corrected you should of communicated better but her reaction speaks volumes. I stand by that. And stop contacting her. She already moved on to another guy. That seems to be the norm. For both genders.

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