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Don't wanna holla a get blown off

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Hey everybody I'm new to the site and i have a minor predicament that could definetly use some advice on. I've had a pretty good track record of talking to girls in my life but I've never been the type to, for lack of better word's "holler" at a girl while I'm driving and she's walking. And there is this new girl in my neighborhood that I always see walking her dog in my neighborhood. We've made eye contact a couple of times so i know she knows me. How can I approach her and not come off as one of those losers that honk a good looking girl everytime i see her. I was thinking about asking her if she would like to meet up one night to walk our dog's, but i'm afraid she might just blow me off like most girls do when a guy in a vehicle says something to them. What can i say right off the bat when i pull up next to her??

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Yeah- try to meet her on foot. I wouldn't think much of a guy who acted like he was ordering a date at a drive thru window.

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Exactly ditch the car and meet her on foot.

Tell her you've seen her around on foot walking her dog and that you thought she was cute.

Then invite her out to eat or something.


But don't do it in a car first of all its creepy(I never stop for a car theres weirdos out there!) and second of all she'll think your a "playa" trying to holla at her and that you must do it to like every girl you see walking down the street.

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Thank you very much guys, i appreciate all the advice..... but what's something i could say to her to spark up a conversation............. o yeah and she usually does walk it at the same time....

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Since the two of you obviously have something in common already (dogs), I'm sure you could easily strike up a convo about her dog or maybe ask her a question about the dogs.

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