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Update on Friends Problem!! I can't believe this!!


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Well let me just let everyone know that I last posted an update on this on Friday, because I don't have my own computer and I use the one at work.


Here is what happened this weekend. I last said that my friend Mike's girlfriend of 5 months just dumped him on Wednesday kicked him out of the house then married her ex on Friday.


Well she got married to this guy with hickies all over her neck from Mike from the night before! (talk about cruddy!)


Friday night nothing special happened, but Saturday went crazy!


We were supposed to go to a hauted trail in PA called Jason' Woods. (me, my fiance', Mike.) Well "Amanda" (his now married girlfriend) decided to call before we left and wanted him to meet her somewhere to talk. So that took another hour away from the trip there (we live in Baltimore, MD). Then after that she wanted to go with us! May I remind you that everyone HATES her! I was very upset because I did not want her to go.


Well we had to wait another hour for her to call when she could get out of the house (away from her husband). We ended up not going and just going out trying to scare ourselves! (I was MAD) Well they ended up sleeping together and when she went home she told her husband and he did not do anything about it! We even went over to there house and she kissed Mike in front of her husband!!!


Mike says that he is only doing all of this to get her back for revenge (he has some sort of plan) but I think it is bullsh--!!


He is giving her exactly what she wants! She has got the best of both worlds and I don't think she deserves that one bit!!!! This b---- is NASTY!!!


Well my fiance' decided we are not going to hang out with Mike if he has her with him, because it makes us really sick to even be around her! It also makes me sick to be around him when he is hugging and kissing all over her after she just went and married someone else!!!


Sorry for such a long post I guess it was more for venting! I really can't stand this girl!

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I'm with you, dude. But not only can I not stand this girl, I have serious doubts about anyone else who has anything to do with her.


The whole story about her, the hickies, the quick wedding, going to bed with her ex, kissing her ex in front of her husband, etc. sounds like something you might hear about on The Jerry Springer Show or Late Night with Trailer Trash.


Unless you enjoy living at the bottom of a cesspoll, I urge you to find a new circle of friends for you and your fiance to associate with.


Also, give Mike a gift certificate for some classes on how to find girls with class. And while he's there, maybe some will rub off on him. Going to bed with a newly married "woman" and then taking her home and kissing her in front of her husband can get you killed in a lot of places. Mike is a fruitcake if you ask me.

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Mike is a really good person he tends to jump into things too fast! This girls husband is a fruitcake because he allows this to go on! Before all this when her and Mike met she moved Mike into their house while her husband (exboyfriend at the time) was still living there! Then he moved out and moved in with Mikes ex-wife!


Mike is a good guy and does not deserve this! I used to think that about her husband but he has shown himself to be a fruitcake (as you would say). He did not say anything to Mike at all when she kissed him! Hello I would have jumped all over that and probably have went to jail! I feel sorry for Mike because he thinks hes in Love with this girl and there is no way to convince him other wise! Why do some guys always go for the looney girls???


Well as I said my fiance and I talked and we are not going to hang out with Mike unless she is not around! We cannot just give up on him all together because he is a good friend and we have known him for a long time. But none of the rest of the people involved in this are our friends!! So I choose to not be around it!


Hey would I get anything out of it, if I called Jerry Springer? They need a whole season for this ongoing story! :) LOL!!

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Hey would I get anything out of it, if I called Jerry Springer? They need a whole season for this ongoing story! :)


They wouldn't find too much to top this!!!

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I don't care how "nice" Mike is, he is too "nice" when he lets his wife walk all over him this way. He needs to get some guts.

Hey would I get anything out of it, if I called Jerry Springer? They need a whole season for this ongoing story! :) They wouldn't find too much to top this!!!


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Mike is not her husband! She broke up with her husband before they were married and Mike was living with her for 5 months and got way too attatched. But you are right he is too nice because even in that time she walked all over him too! They were together up until last week she kicked him out on Wednesday got back with him on Thursday and married her ex on Friday but Mike still continues to have a part in it!


I know this isn't my problem. He will just have to see for himself that she is a very cruddy person! I can't believe it hasn't sunk in after she went and got married like that!


Anyway thanks for everyone responses! I just needed to talk about this to someone that could give me thier opinion. My fiance and I and everyone else have tried talking to Mike but he just doesn't seem to care!


Thanks again



I don't care how "nice" Mike is, he is too "nice" when he lets his wife walk all over him this way. He needs to get some guts.
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