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What should I say? I don't want to ruin this again...

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OK, I'll try to make this as short as possible.


I'm 19, and there's this girl I like that's 18. I'm an upcoming sophomore in college and she's an upcoming senior in high school. Last year, I got her number from her and asked her out, and she let me down easy, but I later found out that she had already been "talking" to some guy. So, to make a really long story short, she started ignoring me, and we basically stopped talking for about eight months. However, about three months ago, I broke the silence and began talking to her again online, and now we are on good, talking terms once again. I rarely get to actually see her and talk to her in person since we go to different schools now, but occasionally I get that chance, and this Sunday will be one of those times.



Now, here's where I need some help. First of all, I heard that she recently broke up with her boyfriend (that guy I was talking about earlier). I'd really like to see her more and get to know her a little better. Now I'd like to try again one more time, but this time I just want to ask her to hang out sometime instead of asking her out on a date. So, I have an idea: she's really into sports (she's an awesome soccer player), but she's never really been into basketball much, which is the only sport I really play. Me and my best friend, Kirk, play at this outdoor court all the time....like nearly every day. Anyway, like three days ago, I drove by and saw her and her best friend at the court playing basketball (and from what I saw, apparently they just started ;)) Kirk and I always enjoy playing two-on-two with other people, even if we are on separate teams. So, when I see her Sunday, I was thinking of mentioning something about how her and her friend should come shoot around with us sometime. But see, I'm kind of in a bad spot here: I don't want to say "Call me if you want to play sometime", because that would leave the ball in her court (no pun intended), and she more than likely wouldn't take action and call me because she's never really played, and she knows that I play nearly every day. On the other hand, I don't want to say "I'll call you and we can all go play sometime", because I don't want her to be thinking "Oh no, here he goes again.....he still likes me." So what should I say?? "Next time you see us out there, you should stop by and shoot around with us"??? By the way, if they did happen to play with us, I know to go easy and just mess around....I hate it when people try to show off (not that I'm good enough to show off, but you know what I mean :)) This is a corny idea, I know, but I really think she would have a good time playing, and she could get to know me a little more, and vice versa. So what do you think? What should I say?



Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. Sorry for the length.

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If you like this girl romantically, ask her out on a date. Making up a strategy to ask her to go on a non-date is just a dodge, one you're making out of fear. If this girl likes you and is single, she'll accept the date. She doesn' t need to get to know you in depth to know whether she wants to give you a chance / is attracted at a basic level. If you know she's single but she makes up an excuse or says no, then you've got your answer.


Just do it.


-- uriel

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